I've started working on a new character by the artist
Shen YH. I've always liked Shen's work so i'm really happy he has lent out his elf baby to me.
The challenges for this project are the very clean and sharp visuals of his clothing, the intricate metal design and the fact that i have never made a male character before! I have surprised myself a bit with how fast I've been able to make his face NOT look like a blobby alien from another dimension so i think that's a plus.
I want to keep him close to the concept but twist the style to be a little more stylised more towards a Shardbound look. His design is very clean so i think he will translate well into that world.
So here are some WIP shots!

I've started swapping out my block out pieces. I started with the boots but i'm going to work on his pauldrons and hair over the weekend.

Bit of an older WIP
The concept by Shen
He is still quite rough around the edges but any feedback is appreciated
Thanks for stopping by!
Spent the weekend cleaning up a lot of the block in shapes.
Got a few more belt pieces to make and then i need to work on his legs and hands. I keep putting them off as i get wrapped up in the fun little pieces so i need to get those done asap!
Looking good! This project seems a lot like mine, an elf concept with lots of belts and metal thingies ugh...
But it´s not a better initial pose a more relaxed one? Like the concept pose to have a better idea about the proportions as for now it seems that the arms are too short and the shoulder plates too big and also, the waist a little too small unless you want to do some stylized shapes.
I know that it´s in a super early blockout and probably you know what to change but I´ve done a rought idea of what i said:
*There´s a gif(The right side is unchanged since i was lazy
Nice job! I'm loving where this is going, you chose a nice concept.
I agree with Koromo, there´s minor proportions issues to fix, specially the shoulder armor they look a bit smaller in the concept.
But you're a doing an great job, I cant wait to see more
Yes Koromo i do have a big list of things i want to fix and i'll keep it in mind to keep checking him in a more relaxed pose. I think in the context of just looking at the jacket his arms seem too long (as in the concept his cuffs line up with the bottom of the jacket) but in relation to his actual body underneath they are the right length. So i think i'm going to push up the bottom half of his jacket so it stops throwing off the proportions there and bulk out the jacket like you suggested.
He isn't going to be a direct 1for1 from the concept as i want to stylise him more so I don't want to make the shoulder pieces too much smaller than they are now. I really want to exaggerate the broad and square shapes in his silhouette.
Thanks again! I'm going to work on your feedback and my own list tonight and post another update soon!
Good. Appropriating and adapting the concept to your own style is great imo. Will follow this thread closely