Hi guys,
I'm trying to unwrap a door to create UV map but I'm doing something wrong and getting frustrated about that. I'm new on modeling and UV.
My scenario:
- Blender 2.78
My steps:
- On edit mode I do Mark Seam on each door's edge;
- Select whole object with 'A' and I commit the unwrap process with Unwrap or Smart Unwrap;
I'm still getting the same result on both choices and none of them aren't what I need for. The picture below shows it better:
You may notice that each face isn't in proportion to the mesh.
What can I do?
Thanks in advance.
You should apply scale in object mode (CTRL + A), and then unwrap it.
This is happening because of two different types of "Spaces" that things are taking place in. The object space is still the same as the original cube which you were given, which is why it's unwrapping like that. You are applying a scale at an object transformation (the parent of the object) level, which squashes the final result of the object.
Essentially it's like you inserted an unwrap into the model, before it was stretched.
It worked for me.
i'm not complaining, I'm just curious
Axi, could you confirm to me if other softwares as Maya, MODO, etc works on same way? I mean the scale and proportion to make UV map adjust the right size.
Forgive me trying to dock the UV toolkit panel, seems to be a bug.
Transformations -> Components are a hierarchical thing that exist in most 3D software.
Yeah I think I got the point and I'll try to keep it in mind the proper scaling to fit the object to UV map.
I saved the UV mapping image and opened it on Blender, using Cycle Render I had adjusted the nodes to make it appearing on object on my viewport, it work well.
Next step is to make Blender listen an external app like Krita or GIMP to when I save the image automatically updates Blender and I don't need all the time reload the image again. Trying to figure it out now...