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Help with arnold render!

polycounter lvl 7
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NickXenos polycounter lvl 7
Hello everybody! I am having some major uses while rendering a scene in amold using maya 2016.5.. My renders take an enormous amount of time, 20 hours or more for a single and i am pretty sure i am doing something wrong cause i have a pretty powerfull station ( intel xeon e5 2695 v2 @ 2.4ghz) with 64gb ram and i am using nvidia gtx1080). So 20 hours for a single frame render is just devastating in my opinion! I m going to post photos of the settings of arnold and screenshots of the lights i am using so that you can all have a better understanding. For textures I ve used substance painter and most of the were exported as exr at 2048x2048 besides some few surfaces that are exported in 4096x4096..Lastly the intensity of the lights is pretty low, around 10 on average except an area light outside the window which is at 500, with 0 or 1 exposure to most of the and i ve increased the samples from 1 to 3 on all of them...Thank you all in advance!


  • .Wiki
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    .Wiki polycounter lvl 8
    Have you tried rendering your scene with a simple standard material?

    To speed up the rendering process you´ll have to convert all your textures to *.tx files.
  • NickXenos
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    NickXenos polycounter lvl 7
    when rendering without textures it is much faster for sure. I found that one of the problems was being caused by a model with some very weird topology, dont even know how it became like that so i just remodeled it and it improved a lot but still not on the desired level. I will convert them to *.tx as you mentioned but does that mean that I also have to reapply all the textures?
  • JohnnyRaptor
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    JohnnyRaptor polycounter lvl 15
    You can set Arnold to automatically convert to tx and no, you won't have to reapply anything.

    Without disecting your scene more I can't really pin your render times on anything. The settings you've shown are sound.
  • NickXenos
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    NickXenos polycounter lvl 7
    hey thanks for the answers.it seemed it was a combination of things..a flawed model and replacing some textures that were making the scene extremelly heavy i guess... 
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