What's up, it's Sheboygan coming in with a fre$h dosage of a new project.
Since I did an environment last, I wanted to focus on something different this time so I'm making a Seaplane after saying I wanted to half way through my holiday after I saw one.
It's a DHC-2 Beaver.Finals:

High res & wires:
https://www.artstation.com/artwork/1goe8Old stuff;

It's all very up in the air at the moment, and looks a bit plane. I'm trying not to wing it so I'm making sure everything's in place before I go into the details, make sure it's done prop-eller-ly.
but seriously, looking good so far dude! id focus on getting the connections between the pontoons and body to look solid at the moment.
I've been working on those connections today, they're a surprisingly small piece despite how important they are, tried to make them as beefy as possible.
Also wings.
Pontoon has had its second pass done on it.
More progress, got the wings squared off to a level & I've been slowly adding bolts when I want to zone out.
And here's the engine put in, I grabbed a 9-Cylinder radial engine CADgrab. It's not the exact model you'd find on a beaver but the difference is negligible for the amount of work I'd need to put in to actually make it.
I'm looking forward to seeing this progress
Here's where I'm at right now, I have like three more things on the checklist and the highpoly will be complete.
Put me on suicide watch for the lowpoly creation please.
And one of my favourite things to do is turn off the bolts and look at it, it looks like point cloud data.
Are you planning on doing the interior as well or only the exterior?
If not, will you have the windows be opaque mirrors or use some other technique?
Here's the current bake, the engine hasn't even been touched yet lmao.
Currently sitting at 34,612 tris
And there we have it, the lowpoly is done.
Only touched the body so far but I just liked how it looked.
Been texturing/making adjustments and so forth, pontoons still need some closer attention but I was surprised how quickly the materials fell into place for the body.
Still a few things need texturing, but it's slowly taking shape.
Finished up this beaatch.
Arstation with wires & clay renders.
Got it uploaded to sketchfab for y'all to take a look at.