Hi polycounters,
I'm finally creating a thread here for progress tracking.
Here's a a small introduction: I'm 32, working full-time as a senior software engineer. Recently I've started learning digital sculpting in my free time.
My goal is to switch to game industry career in couple years, thus I would really appreciate advices and crits.

Let me know what are you current goals , maybe I can point you to the right direction and help you speed up learning curve - its much better to have a small light and follow that light then to wonder in the dark
Thanks for reply, man! It's local school here in Saint-Petersburg, called SkillsUp School. They have 4 months program for stydying character creation. Yeah, I'm definetly having hard time with human anatomy. My current goal is to learn form of human body and eventually get better in anatomy. Recently I've got a Gottfried Bammes "The Complete Guide to Anatomy for Artists & Illustrators" so along with daily sculpts I've started doing some study works from this book. I would greatly appreaciate any advice you could give!
Anyway you know russian right ? that actually make my task easier as most of my book collection is in russian
What is your main focus right now full body or just bust/heads ?
Bammes is really good for proportion and full body muscles/planes not so much on the head
Some good head books :
Oсновы учебного академического рисунка - Nikolai Li
Голова человека Основы учебного академического рисунка - Nikolai Li
Скульптурный портрет в глине -Рубино П
(V.A. Mogilevstev) Fundamentals of Drawing
First 2 books and 3 dvds of Philippe Faraut :
Book 1: Portrait Sculpting: Anatomy & Expressions in Clay
Book 2: Mastering Portraiture: Advanced Analyses of the Face Sculpted in Clay
DVD #1: The Art of Sculpting with Philippe Faraut: Children
DVD #2: The Art of Sculpting with Philippe Faraut: Expressions and Facial Construction
DVD #3: The Art of Sculpting with Philippe Faraut:: Men
Burne Hogarth - Dynamic Anatomy
Burne Hogarth - Drawing the Human head
Andrew Loomis - Drawing the Head and Hands
Andrew Loomis - Fun with a Pencil
Modelling and Sculpture; a Guide for Artists and Students. Volume I - edouard lanteri >>> start here !!!
Reilly Method - any book will do
Here you go this few will keep you busy for a while I can give you a longer and more detailed list if necessary , also if you have hard time finding this books send me a private message I might be able to send you some of them
About your head studies I will suggest to start from something really basic like attached image and master that (skull studies wont hurt either , there are specific points on the skull that you should know by heart ) , probably will take you 10-15 repetition to have it memorized for life , then I can give you the next step
also if you want any of your studies critiques just pose image with front/side/back/top and 3/4 vies - will be a good idea to be something you have spend more then 2 hours
My current main focus is full body. It's just I've started with doing daily head studies and it's kinda a habit now.
Of course I can give you some books on ""block out SS - simple shape"" as I called it :
You already have Li book he is great , I guess he and Bammes are good place to start
Готфрид Баммс - Образ Человека
Andrew Loomis - Figure Drawing For All It's Worth
Mark Count - Figure Drawing for Artists: Making Every
Christopher Hart - Drawing Cutting Edge Comics
Mike Searle - How to Draw: Getting Started
Michael Hampton- Figure Drawing - Design and Invention
Walt Reed - The Figure: The Classic Approach to Drawing & Construction
Doug Jamieson - draw from your head //very detailed step by step
David H. Ross - Freehand Figure Drawing for Illustrators
Imagine FX - How to Draw and Paint Anatomy
Imagine FX How to Draw and Paint Anatomy volume 2
Poses for Artists Volume 1 and 2
The Vilppu Drawing Manual
I added 3 more in the attached rar :
One is mannequin catalogue - this should be your target goal from the block out phase , the other are books I don't know how to describe