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Just how detailed of a game could a 1080-Ti run? (@60fps)

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Felidire null

I'm considering making a game in UE4 (for fun), and figured why not try and make it as detailed as possible. So many games cater to consoles, so I was wondering how far one could push a game in terms of graphics, if it were intended solely for a PC running a 1080-Ti, i7-7700k (or above), and 64GB ram? Even if I ended up actually finishing such a game, those specs would probably be much more affordable by that time anyway, so why not go crazy and have fun.

I'm wondering just how detailed the character models could be; assuming there's ~10 on the screen at any given time, with hyper-realistic hair/fur, set in 3rd person, the level assets & environment using 4k textures, and volumetric effects. How many polys do you imagine you could get away with on the characters, while maintaining a respectable draw distance?


  • seth.
  • ysalex
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    ysalex interpolator
    That was one of the most annoying, transparent things Ive ever seen. Those were some very obvious scans, with a real linear camera path. 

    And oh... its the unlimited graphics guys again...
  • JordanN
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    JordanN interpolator
    I tried something like this last year. But not with a 1080-Ti  but amd r260x. 

    The first immediate problem I ran into is that these assets are friggin huge. Think about it. If you're doing 4k textures everything, you're going to need a lot of disk space to save them all. And then you're either going to have to stream those assets or have them fit within your memory. 

    And since games right now don't have [fully dynamic] GI/raytracing, you're going to have to dedicate more memory budget into lightmaps.

    Naw, it wasn't worth it. I also felt like throwing more polygons just gets boring. 

    The jump from PS1 to PS2 was a massive difference in both modeling and how it affected gameplay. Everyone saw the difference that GTA 3 had over Driver or Ocarina of Time.

    But adding 10 or 20k more polygons to a PS4 level Vehicle isn't going to eliciate the same response. You would have to achieve a jump that's closer to VFX/Movie quality prop, but that technology is much more demanding and farther away.
  • danr
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    danr interpolator
    yeah just ... think about it. Won't anybody think about it? Actual files ... FILES! ... on a disk, a real actual disk  - the sort of disk your children might use ... ...  which then - deep breath - become assets, which you have to ... jesus H bleeding christ ...  stream ... or fit into ... memory? With ... fuck my life i can barely get the words out ... with ... with ... lightmaps?! More assets??! My god. MY GOD. It boggles the mind. Don't do it! Don't do it! Burn the computers! Run, run to the fields, and live a pastoral existence free from this plague of technological requirements and the basic fucking fundamentals of game development!

    i'm also not going to bother with a serious answer to the OP cos it's silly. Every engine is different, so take the one of your choice and try it. Tch!
  • JordanN
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    JordanN interpolator
    In truth, I was still learning. 2016 was a long time ago where I thought UE4 was the only software I needed. 

    If I were to go back to UE4 today, I would stick to my original plan of a game that only uses hand painted diffuse textures and nothing else.

    For photorealism, I'm making pre-rendered cutscenes where I just design an asset to a certain quality and hit render. But this has been pushing my game even farther back in development (average scene takes 7~ 8 hours to render).

  • Axi5
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    Axi5 interpolator
    seth. said:
    I'll believe it when they release a tech demo.

    Until then I believe they can be adequately be disproved from a theoretical standpoint. "Trillions" of "atoms". Whatever. At 32 bit float precision an 8GB graphics card can hold just over 2 billion float 4's in memory. Even if they're streaming from the hard drive that's data being constantly uploaded and overwritten, that is slow. Then you have the colour of the "atom", that's another float 4, oh look now it's only 536 million points in memory.

    Let's not forget that what they're technically doing is rendering the points as hulls, so they actually are polygons anyway, a point is just a point, it needs a surface descriptor to actually appear. It's a very inefficient way to render. Next question, how the hell are they going to skin a few hundred thousand points on a characters arm compared to a few hundred vertices? They showed off a video with an animated snail with specularity (another piece of data to provide the atoms, divide above), but it just looks like a baked cache.

    Unlimited my ass. It also looks like raw unprocessed scan data, far inferior to cleaned up scans as low to mid res geometry.

    Total points they can render provided position, colour and specularity is probably approx: 954,437,176... hmm trillions indeed. It also looks as though they need a few hundred million points to render just what is in front of the camera, I bet they're streaming data in from the HDD as they pan around, hence why there isn't actually any high frame rate footage of their render. It's a great way to abolish loading screens, if the actual renderer IS the loading screen.

    It's not impossible, it's just inefficient, and I find the CEO/company's standpoint of attacking polygons for being inefficient as being laughably hypocritical. Cue them making another video about how computer scientists think what they're doing is impossible and that we hate them (they bring it up every video and spend an inordinate amount of time on it, prove them wrong with a practical demo then!). We don't hate the technology, we hate the lies, other companies have telegraphed far more about the shortcomings of their product. Euclidean offers perfection and yet it's been years and no products, if it worked it'd be everywhere by now.

    FYI Bruce Dell, 2015 has been and gone, where are those games you said were coming?

    I'm excited for the future of this technology but I hope this company takes their head out of their ass.
  • [Deleted User]
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    [Deleted User] insane polycounter
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  • Axi5
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    Axi5 interpolator
    Pretty sure he just posted for the lols Axi5 - but I agree with what you said.  Bruce Dell is JordanN jk fyi so maybe he can answer some questions about it  >:)

    I just felt like ranting. I know I'm with the right crowd here and people know what they're on about.

    I just look at those YouTube comments and get a bit infuriated when people act like current game devs are wasting their time when the answer to all our problems is this tech that has never seen the light of day.

    I wish I knew these people so I could sell them a bridge

    Edit: I'm also drunk. I shouldn't forum.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    We've had tessellation demos since 2010 that had dense meshes taking up the entire screen. Polycount is never the issue when it comes to graphics or realism, and PBR did more to improve graphics that tessellation ever did. Besides time and memory concerns, you could have million polygon characters with proper LODs and never have any performance concerns, that's basically how racing games work.
  • Aabel
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    Aabel polycounter lvl 6
    The Euclidean stuff could technically be done with a custom voxel format encoded into wavelets. I've seen some truly bizarre things done with wavelets that technically should not have been possible.
  • Axi5
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    Axi5 interpolator
    Aabel said:
    The Euclidean stuff could technically be done with a custom voxel format encoded into wavelets. I've seen some truly bizarre things done with wavelets that technically should not have been possible.
    Is there a whitepaper on that, that you can link? I'd be interested. Data gets encoded in frequencies all the time, image formats are a great place to look for that. I can't think of how it would work though, you still have to reconstruct the data somehow, probably over my head at that point.
  • Octo
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    Octo polycounter lvl 18
    Axi5 said:
    FYI Bruce Dell, 2015 has been and gone, where are those games you said were coming?
    Didn't you hear? They created some horrid VR experience https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4uYkbXlgUCw
  • Aabel
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    Aabel polycounter lvl 6
    Axi5 said:
    Aabel said:
    The Euclidean stuff could technically be done with a custom voxel format encoded into wavelets. I've seen some truly bizarre things done with wavelets that technically should not have been possible.
    Is there a whitepaper on that, that you can link? I'd be interested. Data gets encoded in frequencies all the time, image formats are a great place to look for that. I can't think of how it would work though, you still have to reconstruct the data somehow, probably over my head at that point.
    Sorry, no whitepaper. When Euclidean was first popping up I was working one of the Wavgen/Earth on Drive guys and he explained to me how technically such things are possible using wavlets.
  • EarthQuake
  • low odor
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    low odor polycounter lvl 17

    I can't believe I still have this image..old school
  • EarthQuake
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    [Deleted User] insane polycounter
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  • sacboi
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    sacboi high dynamic range

    Felidire said:

    I'm considering making a game in UE4 (for fun), and figured why not try and make it as detailed as possible. So many games cater to consoles, so I was wondering how far one could push a game in terms of graphics, if it were intended solely for a PC running a 1080-Ti, i7-7700k (or above), and 64GB ram? Even if I ended up actually finishing such a game, those specs would probably be much more affordable by that time anyway, so why not go crazy and have fun.

    I'm wondering just how detailed the character models could be; assuming there's ~10 on the screen at any given time, with hyper-realistic hair/fur, set in 3rd person, the level assets & environment using 4k textures, and volumetric effects. How many polys do you imagine you could get away with on the characters, while maintaining a respectable draw distance?

    ...no need throwing processing grunt and/or polys at the issue.

    Tech's already here, has been for quite some time. Essentially enabling enjoyment of a particular form of delectation, be it shooter/fighting/racing/RPG/RTS...blah, blah. 

    If I may..."Yet adding high resolution texture packs and realistic lighting settings can tax your GPU heavily. Finding the perfect balance between a graphical bump and FPS cost is difficult for low to mid-tier graphics cards." 

    ...so you don't have to wait after working on your pet project for more than a decade.  

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