I am just starting to learn Maya and I would like to know how I can make a proper curved shape.
I kind of achieve to create a curved shape by creating a cube and then divide it in small chunks with the "insert edge loop" tool and then I tried to create a curve by moving/rotating the small chunks (I don't know if my explanation is very clear....).
It worked but it took me like 15minutes and the shape isn't very smooth
Am I doing this wrong ? Is there a way I can obtain a smoother shape ?
Thanks in advance!
I've been searching for the Deform tool but I can't find it From what I saw on the internet it's in the modelling menu but, i don't know, I can't see it... Where is it?
(I'm a noob so maybe it's pretty obvious but for me it's hard to find something in all those menus T_T)
Make sure you're in the modeling mode (top left) then look for the deform drop down menu at the top, then non linear, then bend.
It curves the entire object symmetrically from bottom to top :
So what if I want it to be straight at the bottom and curved at the top like in the pic bellow ?
You can manipulate the handle using the transform tools and it'll affect your results accordingly.
For instance, try changing your low bound to 0, your high bound to 1 (if it isn't already) and set your curvature to 90 degrees. Now activate your transform tools and play with the bend handle. See what happens.
You can also activate the bend deformer with a component selection, this will stop it from affecting areas you don't want it to.
Test it on a cylinder with plenty of subdivisions.
(Sorry if I'm asking dumb questions I know nothing about Maya)