So, working on my character design.
Jellyfish warrior.
I would love to hear some critiques on this one, it feel childish to me as of now.
Just started rendering and thinking the design might not be worth the time.
Pose comes from a picture that I don't have anymore.
Thank you kindly for any help

I like the character design a lot, I don't think there's anything wrong with it. She's got some wonky proportions and such, her face/neck, left arm/hand, etc. It is a complex subject though.
I notice you seem to start a lot of different pieces, how long do you usually stick with one before calling it done (or just moving on to the next)?
Proportion is smthg I know I must work on, since even when working from a pic I make mistakes.
Again, thanks for the feedback
The light source seems to be left for ground. The spear/halberd is mid ground(at the moment it's hurting perspective). Try to angle that spear into the for ground more, pointing towards the light source. From what I see, the halberd/spear is flat and mid ground.
That's the end of my critique, The spear needs to be parallel with her right knee facing the same direction.
get that perspective down. think.
the clothing is very stiff. clothing in the wind is insane and uncontrollable (assuming atmosphere) . those strands should not be parallel beside each other. you could push it more to look unpredictable.
it's strange to me how her torso dress is not effected by the wind but her head towel is lol.
As far as proportions, I see now that her elbows do not line up with her navel, T-Rex arms? XD
Thanks for your time dude