Hello Lovely Polycounter's
While modelling a low poly for a high poly model, can we have more tri's instead of Quads? I am speaking in a game development perspective not animation or visual effects... Mainly on props not chars or envi. Once you import anything to a game engine, it automatically converts it into tris, so what is the use of creating it in quads ?
I got this question because I read this article from 80 lvl -
https://80.lv/articles/the-difference-between-a-concept-and-a-production-mesh/ . If you look at his production screen shot, first of all, it has a lot of quads, it could have fewer quads. In the modelling package itself, I can do it in tri's and reduce the tri's count whr it is possible, right ? Which will help in performance.. I think he was speaking in a movie perspective but I am just asking how it is supposed to be for games.
For eg look at this both picture A and B
Picture A
Picture B
In Picture A, I modelled it in quads and it has total 94 tri's but in Picture B, it has only 45 tris... Is it ok to do like Picture B? Should I keep something in mind while modelling ? for eg I can't connect so many tris with a single vertex or something like that ??
Thank you for the help
Game industry: tris, ngons all good to go as long as hi poly bakes fins, non deforming body.
Film/ TV / Ad industry: 99% quads is a general rule of thumb
Try working only using triangles. In particular, try selecting edge loops on a triangulated mesh. There's your answer.
Regarding pictures a/b, this is less to do with triangles vs quads as it is general mesh optimisation. Generally speaking, an 'optimised' mesh will not have any unnecessary geometry that does not contribute to the silhouette or lowpoly shading. Whether or not the mesh is made of quads or triangles is irrelevant because as you touch on, everything is triangles to the GPU in the end. So B is more optimised (but not perfect) because it has less geometry, not because of the ratio of triangles to quads. You typically work with quads because it's easier, but there's nothing wrong with using n-gons or triangles. In some other contexts (Film; particularly meshes that deform) they do sometimes require quads only (Or so I'm told) but in games that's not true at all. Characters might have some specific topology requirements around bits that deform like elbows and knees to stop things twisting and stretching in a horrible way.
When you delve a little deeper into optimisation you'll learn more about how vertex splits and good triangulation (along with other considerations like UV usage) are more important than your final triangle count. You can read a thread about vertex splits here.
It is usually more efficient to try and avoid long thin triangles and poles where many tris meet at the same vert - this is to do with the number of tris you need to draw per pixel at various viewing angles/distances
In this case you could get a better result by simply turning edges on B to make the tris more regular.