So I cant seem to find the curve warp too in my version of Maya right now. I am fairly lost in what to do or what to try. I have tried to look around and find a fix but nothing has worked as of yet. I just know that it should be between "Cluster" and "Delta Mesh." Anyone know where to find this tool or another place I can use the tool from?
I am trying to take a straight object and and make it bend along a curve, like a chain or a curved handle. I know how to extrude an object along a path or a curve but in this case it is not quite what I need. I have found a few videos showcasing this tool in maya 2016-17 but when I when to try to use it, it was not there.
Anyone know what I can do about this or another way I can get the same effect? Also I could have the name of the tool wrong, looking in the wrong place or other dumb oversights. If i have left out any information that is needed I will find it and post it. Thank You for you help.
Do you know what the name of the plug-in that I am looking for is? Where is the "enabling MASH?" Sorry a lot of this trouble shooting is not easy for me and I am getting back into this after about a year or so.
Check Windows -> Settings/Preferences -> Plug-In manager
Look for Curve Warp, if that isn't there, try enabling MASH.