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Need Help building eyes for a dragon like creature that can blink

polycounter lvl 8
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Lycanchief polycounter lvl 8
Hey I need some pointers on how to build eyes for a dragon like creature. Im not sure if its just not translating in my head but I am not sure how to form the eye socket around the eye or if I need to change the eyeball shape or both.

The first two images is where I am currently at, the last is the concept Im working off of. If anyone could help that be great


  • Mark Dygert
    Well, the eyeball is way too small for an opening that size. It's about the size that the iris would be. So that's a bit of a problem. The radius of the sphere needs to be the same or bigger than the distance from the corner to corner of the eye. I doubt you can fit two eyes in a skull that size and shape.

    I guess you could just fill in the hole and round it out to look like an eye, but that leads some rigging challenges. You'll have to do something similar to what Pixar did with cars where you have a texture or a piece of iris geometry moving around the surface.

    Also I think you have too many loops for this stage, especially around the eyes. Right now you should be blocking in big shapes with very little geometry.
  • Lycanchief
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    Lycanchief polycounter lvl 8
    Thank you so much for the advice! Ill try that out and post my next progress update here :)
  • RN
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    RN sublime tool
    If you plan on animating blinks then it's a good idea to have the eyelids closed or almost closed before unwrapping them for texturing. If you unwrap them while they're open, the texturing will look stretched when the character blinks or closes their eyes.
  • Lycanchief
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    Lycanchief polycounter lvl 8
    Thanks for the advice ill be sure to do that!
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