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[UE4] Old Pub

polycounter lvl 9
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fandiwhuang polycounter lvl 9
Hi Guys, here's my latest project i did in my spare time 
your feedback & critiques are highly appreciated and thanks in advance  :):)


  • Tetranome
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    Tetranome polycounter lvl 6
    Nice start. Everything feels way to clean, get some gunk and dirt on those materials. The carpets look like they just got home from the laundromat.
    Use your prebaked AO maps as masks on the albedo.
    I would also consider gently touching the dark areas with complementary cool lighting.

    I also think a hero prop/focal point would greatly benefit your scene. A tipped over beer fridge with some stronger colored neon lights or something to draw they eye from the beige, browns, whites and blacks.
  • TheoClarke
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    TheoClarke polycounter lvl 7
    Nice work, the geometry and layout are good. The carpets are particularly impressive.

    I think the overall look of the scene could be improved if you boosted the colours/intensity on some of the textures and lighting. For example, make the booths and stool materials a more saturated and richer brown/maroon colour. Maybe add more colour to the lighting and boost the contrast between the light and dark areas. This will help it have more colour and more impactful visuals.
  • fandiwhuang
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    fandiwhuang polycounter lvl 9
    Hi , thanks guys for the feedbacks :)...
    i managed to tweak little bit of my textures and lighting..no major change but hope it improves my scene :smiley:

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