I've been working with trying to render real time game-like quality in 3dsmax 2017 again recently and was looking at ShaderFX but I can't find any good tutorials or explinations in how to use ShaderFX at all.
I posted a similar question in 2015 and people mentioned that Max 2015 has a Dota 2 Hero shader preset, and some other mentions of presets. Where do I find these presets? I've googled all over the net, but I haven't gotten any further than putting a DirectX shader on my material.
I am not a programmer or VFX artist, I just want a cookie cutter already done Shader I can drag and drop difuse/spec/etc maps into for viewport viewing and these 'TF2 shader' or 'Dota hero shader' presets people talk about sound good. Where do I find them?

I'm not sure the dota shader PRESET ships with 3dsMax.
I think we might have only included it with Maya LT.
But a preset is nothing more then a quick way to switch between shader graphs.
You should have the dota node.
If you enable "Advanced Mode" in the shaderfx window (settings) you should see it under "Valve".
Then you need to hook it up in the graph.
I think it replaces the "TraditionalGameSurfaceShader" node.
The Maya help on ShaderFX is a lot more complete then the 3dsMax one, so it might be worth using it instead.
(Its available online)