Hello friends,
It's time to update my games reel since I want to do another round of applications and the work I did on some games are not worth watching haha

and to do it I will make kind of an animation set for the Adventurer rig from Kiel Figgins.
It would be amazing to have feedback no matter how short, long, hard critique I get, everything helps

I will be posting the SyncSketch for new animations and my plan is to work in a new one while I fix the one who gets feedback.
For this I plan to stick to various games styles:
Walk Finished : vimeo.com/229500320
Run Finished : vimeo.com/230024839
Pick Hero Finished : vimeo.com/230817054
Highlight Intro Finished: vimeo.com/233684363
Ultimate Attack ( MOBA Perspective ) Finished :
Sit Emote
Single Attack ( more cartoony )
Combo Attack ( Cartoon Snappy )
Critical Art ( Street Fighter V and KIng of Fighters XIV )
Thanks so much for your time and let the adventure begins!
I will be updating this post through all the animations so I don't spam the forum with new post

The first one is a Walk Cycle since I just got the rig and wanted to know about the controllers ( it's something I usually do with new rigs just to know how it behave and if they have weapon what is the best constraint setup)
I'm not a huge fan of the toes slamming down at f82. I know people like top do it but if you are, I would give it a frame more.
Might be nice to see some more tilt in the staff.
I would try to lift the elbows a little more so they're not facing down all the time.
I like the head look around but it feels disconnected from the chest. i know its probably just an anim layer on top but the chest doesn't react at all to the look around. If he looked to the left, then the I imagine the chest would go with and it would still rotate counter the hips but it would favour the side the head is looking at and the rotations would be relative tot that side.
Good work!
Think of how many reels have the same things you listed. If you continue with this list make sure you're adding some personality. It's better to animate something you're passionate about rather than what you think recruiters want to see, it usually shows in the quality of the animation.
This is my personal opinion. It's a good idea to take a look at reels of industry professionals to see what you'll be competing with. Good luck!
The overall weight seems to be carried little far forward, feels like the upper body masses could be pulled back a little bit. Could use a little more bounce in each step, little too smooth at the moment; that gives more opportunity for bouncy bits and bobs like the hands hanging on the staff, man-purse, etc. What's he looking at, where is he walking? Busy market? magical cave? evil forest? he's got pretty expressive face setup IIRC? pursed lips like he's whistling a tune would add a lot of character.
@AGoodFella I agree with you I will add/delay that foot slam on the floor with the help of the foot roll by 1 frame
@AnthonyAnimation Yeah I used the word generic wrong
@Hito Yeah I am overlapping the body but I will see how it looks if I bring the chest a little back while maintaining that overlap in it
@KielFiggins Thanks Kiel!!
For the walk I:
- Delayed his foot 1 frame, tilted more the staff and put some elbows movement when it swings. Also added torso rotation when he looks.
- Bringed back a little bit the torso in rotation and added a "happy" face
This is the next one, the run. I kind of went for a similar animation I made a long time when I made a test for a Japanese studio, it seems that the Asian style is more to have that translation in Z wich TERA has: https://syncsketch.com/sketch/175308#220047
Thanks again!
f6 - I would introduce some footroll here for the foot that is on the ground.
f8 - I would push the spacing a little more here for the same foot.
f8-9 - knee stays locked for the back foot.
f17-18 - same as above.
For the weapon grab, I would have it a little snappier. Right now, the weapon comes down and then he grabs it. What if the weapon comes down fast and the hand grabs it to almost catch it a little? I don't know, something to think about.
The overall pose for the weapon run feels nice too. It feels a little off with the chest completely facing the left side and the hips more or less facing in front even though your'e favouring one side with the rotation. I would try to have some of the lower spine face the left side as well; just to spread the rotations more throughout the spine.
Minor notes, run feels and looks great, nice work!
@LiamReynolds I FAILED YOU!! the Tera is just a reference and not taking it 100%
It is nice like i said. Just to me, sits somewhere in the middle.
Here is the Pick Hero animation (totally overwatch inspired) : https://syncsketch.com/sketch/176531#222860
Thanks again for your time
Animation wise, could add some polish to his hands and fingers, they are quite static once they rest on the staff and the grip one doesnt do much, maybe he readjusts once its on his shoulders just to add that little bit of character (which these types of animations are about) Also a pass on his hair.
he could lift his staff from his side in a cool way instead of it already on his shoulder and shifting it across if your really trying to add personality. I cant fault the animation apart from nitty gritty polish, but as its a character type animation thats inspired from overwatch pushing that area more would be cool.
@LeeMeredith Thank you Lee!!!
Before I go further I wanted to know your opinions since I will be moving vertices to achieve some smears and still no clothes animation or props
Thanks for the help!
Theres too many broken poses, i know your trying for something quick so you hide it but your reading the broken pose as its visually showing longer than 1 or 2 frames i think?
i dno, its good though
Yeah, the spin feels a little weird, not quite sure what it is. Maybe it's because at f63, I read it as if he's going to go towards screen left but then he goes towards screen right.
Action throughout f56 feels like it's a really heavy spear that's pulling him. I think that spear would be much lighter so the character would be more in control and a little more finessed.
Really like the stretching limbs. Just take a frame out for the stretched leg at f63. I see it for one frame.
Nice work!
And @LiamReynolds yeah it's a different rig I did ,I know you have the adventurer too, If you want I can give you the spear rig too :O I just modified a little bit the geometry to achieve the bending , I still need to work the last parts of the staff to bend separately from the entire connection. And because it's a different rig, the snap Kiel built for both hands is not going to work, just parenting it the old way is the way it works
It would be cool to get feedback before I get to do the fingers, face, clothes and some adjustments to curve the limbs
Thanks in advance!
I like how he maneuvers to each pose through his movements. Did you use ref for it all or just kinda felt your through way?
Edit: applid the feedback you guys gave me cutting the animation in the up and down by 8 frames I believe and changed the weapon to look straight after the hit