Okay, so I made this render:

And honestly, I like it but for the life of me I can't figure out how to export the texture maps to work with Renderman. I followed this tutorial:
https://youtu.be/koNef0RHaMIBut it doesn't work. My renders from renderman look like Playdoh. I tried Blender Eevee as well and it looks like it's made from a mirror. Then I used the model/files from the video above and they all seem to work fine, both in Eevee and in Renderman. Excluding the normal maps because I believe Eevee uses OpenGL and Renderman uses DirectX.
So I don't get it. I followed the tutorial exactly and yet I can't get this guys maps to work outside of Iray.
I painted it basically as follows:
I'm only using the pbr-metal-rough shader for everything.
Metal Materials have metallness set to 1.
Non Metal Materials set to 0.
Use roughness to manipulate how strong or weak the metal looks.
The Renderman shader is just PxrDisney.
Is this wrong? I was under the impression that's basically how real objects work? Is there a hidden setting that I don't know about not covered in the video tutorial?