Hello there,
are there any websites for beginners somewhere? I would like to post my work and receive critique, but after checking the showcase section over here, I do not really think my artwork deserves a place next to all those amazing artists on here..., it is frustrating, because there are great artists posting their stuff everywhere I go..., no beginners whatsoever. I see no progress in my artwork and I think it has to do with critique in some way - I never receive any, but I think it is so important.
Please do not be mean. I am frustrated already.
Thank you.
Ah...deleted my comment due too this thread being moved and I second Eric's advice.
Also it's great to post your art on Facebook groups, artstation ...
Maybe where you live there is a 3D community or something like that.
You can dig back into most of our accounts and find our crappy threads:
But I second those guys, just post it here, nothing wrong with being a beginner, as long as you are polite I don't think ppl will bash your work to much..
What do you mean by "got destroyed" ?
There are hundreds of art books, online resources etc that teach either modeling or just art fundamentals. Of course, critique is essential in igniting ones passions to correct flaws instead of repeating them, but the obsession of "if I don't get critique, I wont improve my art" needs to change.
And I don't say this to be mean, but the reality is art is already crowd. All markets are. Take into account that if one person wants attention, there's 1000 other beginner artists who say the same thing.