Hey everyone, I'm weight painting my character and its been a lot more work than I anticipated. Mainly because I keep getting this bug. When I remove influence from the skin with certain joints, the vertices transform up or down dramatically. Right now I'm trying to remove the influence of the jaw joint on the upper lip and when I get the skin black and rid of influence it does this.
Any ideas? I've searched through the other chains and the master and hip joints, and they don't appear to be exerting any influence. Could it be something other than a rogue joint?
I'd suggest setting the Normalize Weights mode to Interactive. Skin weights always need to add up to 1.0 for proper deformation. This mode (should) intelligently add the weights that you're removing from one joint to another, usually the next nearest joint with the most influence. Any verts having zero influence from a bone will shoot to the scene center.
Since you did work with Post turned on, there's a good chance that many of your verts have weights totalling less than 1. Do Skin>Normalize Weights to fix that first, then go back through each joint to make sure the weighting is good and start painting out bad deformation.
edit: Sorry, I didn't even think to mention the normalization last night. I used to be socially functional, now I use Autodesk Maya!