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WIP Character Idea

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This is a rough attempt at making a base, stocky body for a game idea I'm working on. He's meant to have armor at some point, but I'd like to get the base down before I move on. First post here on Polycount so I hope this is the kind of project you're looking for



  • JLeeD
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    JLeeD polycounter lvl 3
    Hey! What platform are you looking for? (mobile/pc?) There are really solid proportions to this, but your topology could do with some work. You want the polys to be as even as possible, and as a rule of thumb I've been taught you don't was a polygon to be less than half the size of those around it. The crotch, arm pits and pecs have this, where the loops are too tight. You just need to relax those a little, aswell as the mesh on the abdomen. The mesh on the arms and shins is too dense, you need to try and keep the poly density consistent throughout the entire mesh. All of this is so #1 your mesh deforms properly and consistently when being animated. #2 When you subdivide your mesh, (for sculpting or any other reason) The level of detail you can achieve is even throughout. Otherwise, you'll be subdividing to get enough geo in the abdomen, but your arms and shins will be heavy duty with the amount of polys you have. 
    Hope that makes sense and helps! 
  • RLConover
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    RLConover vertex
    JLeeD said:
    Hey! What platform are you looking for? (mobile/pc?) There are really solid proportions to this, but your topology could do with some work. You want the polys to be as even as possible, and as a rule of thumb I've been taught you don't was a polygon to be less than half the size of those around it. The crotch, arm pits and pecs have this, where the loops are too tight. You just need to relax those a little, aswell as the mesh on the abdomen. The mesh on the arms and shins is too dense, you need to try and keep the poly density consistent throughout the entire mesh. All of this is so #1 your mesh deforms properly and consistently when being animated. #2 When you subdivide your mesh, (for sculpting or any other reason) The level of detail you can achieve is even throughout. Otherwise, you'll be subdividing to get enough geo in the abdomen, but your arms and shins will be heavy duty with the amount of polys you have. 
    Hope that makes sense and helps! 

    Hi, thanks so much for the feedback! Really I'm looking for any platform possible, but I did want to keep the geometry kinda light so it can run well with the environments and other assets brought into a scene, whenever I may be ready to put all that together. I completely agree on the topology, so I'll try to even some edges out and try to make it more consistent throughout. I'm not too sure how to attach all the different parts of the mesh correctly, I'll look at some professional models to get an idea of how it should work. I really appreciate the advice and I'll try to have an updated model posted on here in the next day or so
  • RLConover
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    RLConover vertex
    Alright, a bit of a late update, but I did change some stuff around. Topology on the arms are more evened out, and I took some geometry out since it was far too dense. It is a little less detailed than the other one, having less geometry to form any sort of anatomy, but hopefully if this is good enough at some point I think a texture could fix that. Anyone who would like to, feel free to give feedback to make this thing get better

  • RLConover
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    RLConover vertex
    looks pretty decent, is it for a human base or monter/animal?
    This guy is human, I want to put some space marine-ish armor on it when I have my topology at a good point, so the face shouldn't be visible when it's all done
  • RLConover
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    RLConover vertex
    I like it, you should make the hands less thicker, other than that, keep it up!
    Noted, I thought about evening the fingers out too, so thank you!
  • RLConover
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    RLConover vertex
    Okay, I've fixed some odd topology I had going in his shoulder/chest area, and evened out some edges running around the body. I UV'd the character and uploaded it with a text material to see how much it warps, and I admit it is a little distracting if you're looking for the edgeflow so I have it set to matcap by default, but the model is available for download for anyone that wants to see the UVs. I did change some of the fingers just a bit, but I still have the hands a bit thick so I'll look into fixing that for the next upload I put up. For anyone who's savvy with rigging, do you think this would be fine to skin? I'm learning the process and I want the topology to be good enough for it to be rigged without any huge deformation issues. There are 1 or 2 non-manifold faces in his chest where it starts to flow into his armpit, and I haven't found a way to keep that from happening, so if those could be a rigging issue, would it be safe to triangulate only those faces?

  • RLConover
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    RLConover vertex
    Gave him some armor
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