This is my first scene made in Unreal Engine. My main goal was to create scene using modular workflow and learn more technical aspects of this engine like: shadows and types of lighting. All props was made and texture by me.
Firstly, good job on getting into Unreal and learning how it works and putting your first scene together!
Now, I like the first shot you have, best shot here. Most of my critique is of your materials and some models.
You have a lot of straight perfect lines here. Look into either into baking down a prop like a table so you smooth out those hard edges, or using a trim sheet to get rid of them. 2nd shot has long uninterrupted straight lines on either side, with a very wide camera FOV, not great. So look into ways of breaking up your models a bit more and give them more interesting silhouettes.
Your materials need some work. Especially the wood handles on the knifes. The normals on the table are too intense. The dust particles in the air seem probably a little big.
The lighting could be much more interesting. You have this big window that is glowing, but no light rays coming through it. Think what the scene could look like if you put a directional light acting as the sun, hitting the middle of the room, and bouncing light everywhere. It would look much more dramatic, and give the entire scene much more atmosphere. Don't overdo emissive brightness, unless it's a neon light it looks silly. Look at how awesome this scene looks. How many light sources are there? One. Make sure you use reference for everything, including lighting. Sure you can have more lights, but for starting out always try and light a scene with one light first, get it looking good as a base, tweak the bake settings to get it just right. Then work on the areas that aren't quite what you want.
Overall, as a first go I think you've done well. Keep going, lots you can work on
I want to focus on materials in my next project. I know, that they can make big difference.
And lighting in this scene was really challenging for me. For long time I didn't know, which type of light will be the best. So I end up with mix of static lighting and movable. But the biggest problem was that I couldn't figure out how to crate god rays and atmospheric fog. That's why I decide to use bigger dust.
Once again thanks for critique I'm hope that my next project will be better
Now, I like the first shot you have, best shot here. Most of my critique is of your materials and some models.
You have a lot of straight perfect lines here. Look into either into baking down a prop like a table so you smooth out those hard edges, or using a trim sheet to get rid of them.
2nd shot has long uninterrupted straight lines on either side, with a very wide camera FOV, not great.
So look into ways of breaking up your models a bit more and give them more interesting silhouettes.
Your materials need some work. Especially the wood handles on the knifes. The normals on the table are too intense. The dust particles in the air seem probably a little big.
The lighting could be much more interesting. You have this big window that is glowing, but no light rays coming through it. Think what the scene could look like if you put a directional light acting as the sun, hitting the middle of the room, and bouncing light everywhere. It would look much more dramatic, and give the entire scene much more atmosphere. Don't overdo emissive brightness, unless it's a neon light it looks silly.
Look at how awesome this scene looks. How many light sources are there? One. Make sure you use reference for everything, including lighting. Sure you can have more lights, but for starting out always try and light a scene with one light first, get it looking good as a base, tweak the bake settings to get it just right. Then work on the areas that aren't quite what you want.
Overall, as a first go I think you've done well. Keep going, lots you can work on
I want to focus on materials in my next project. I know, that they can make big difference.
And lighting in this scene was really challenging for me. For long time I didn't know, which type of light will be the best. So I end up with mix of static lighting and movable. But the biggest problem was that I couldn't figure out how to crate god rays and atmospheric fog. That's why I decide to use bigger dust.
Once again thanks for critique I'm hope that my next project will be better