Hey Guys,
For my master in Architecture, I choose to identify correlations on how VideoGames could be beneficial for New-Architecture and how they could affect people's behavior, especially with interactive buildings. So.. since I found myself asking a lot of dev- related questions about the making of a "Story" for a Game. And my hobby is Film Analysis, I love how the two mediums can interact with each other. Here the question :
How would someone play with a player's emotion (Like a Movie would do with good Editing and Framing or Storytelling More Info) but using Gameplay that isn't easy AI (like boosting the difficulty of a foe) or by using cutscenes (that are reminiscent of the movie medium anyway)? Any thoughts are appreciated!
These may not be exactly what you are looking for but they should give a decent amount of info to help you explore other games yourself.
... They accomplish that by presenting more down to earth moments in the life of their heroes and allowing the player to soak in the richly detailed environment spaces that tell a lot of the story..
This talk will discuss the parallels between interior design techniques and level art and design. Interior designers create spaces which inform people to the function and aesthetics of a space, just as we do in game development. We will examine how interior designers and environment artists are alike, the rules found in interior design, and why they are used. We will then explore how these rules can be applied in modern game spaces and the ways they can change our visual storytelling tool sets.
An example of this is "Calm Time", an indie game:
- http://pewdiepie.wikia.com/wiki/Calm_Time
- http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/VideoGame/CalmTime