Hello everyone!
I've got this scene set up in UE4, ready to render out as a series of images so that I can edit it in Adobe Premiere.
But, for some reason, the Sequencer won't render it from the 4 cameras that I set up. It seems to only render from the default "Player Start" location.

These are the locations that my 4 camera are supposed to start recording from. I set up all their animations with the correct keyframes and everything. When I pilot them and hit "play", they work just like I want them to, from the correct location and with the correct timing.
But, the sequencer ignores this when it starts recording.

So when I click here, and here...

It starts rendering my images, but only from this spot, not from the cameras.
I figured it would go to each camera in turn when it reaches their spot in the timeline...?

This is all I get in my folder. No camera movement, nothing.

I'm really freaking out! The video tutorial that I followed doesn't mention this problem.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RqWaa08V_dwAnd I need to render this and do a presentation on Wednesday. I have a chance to see the teacher again before then, but that would be cutting it WAY too close for comfort! Especially if I set it up wrong and need to re-do all my cameras (God forbid).
Does anybody know what the problem is?
Thread over!