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ZBrush Hide Selection Issue

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Adam_D null
Hay guys, im having an issue with ZBrush 4R8, when I am pressing CTRL+Shift+Alt and dragging over selected faces to hide them, it is unhiding other random faces, i dont know why it is doing this because it didn't do this for me in the past, I've tested it on another zbrush project Ztool and the issue doesnt seem to be occuring, im wondering if I may have an option selected which may be causing this to occur :S 

It doesnt matter what Polygroup i am hiding, it will unhide another random different polygroup

I have shown the issue in the image uploaded


  • kanga
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    kanga quad damage
    Yeah hiding amd unhiding does strange stuff sometimes. Maybe someone knows more, but in the meantime : hide the fisrt group of polys, like you did in the first screenshot (left), group visible (polygroups), then do the same for the second group of polys. Now you have three groups. Hide the main group and group the two left over.

    Dont know why this happens.
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