Hi all, I been looking at the forums for many years, just never posted. anyways, I'm having an issue, which typically won't effect our game to much. But I like to see if there is a way to fix this if possible. I have characters, that are split into polygroups, mainly to hide , pieces , like head, etc for First person view . Which again you won't see it so won't matter much, but where I make the polygroups, you can see the lines. So for example, when I make a polygroup , so I can hide the head, around the neck area, is where the line is. I plan to use the full character for third person. So I was wondering, and I'm sure there is a way, I'm just not remembering been awhile since I had to split up characters, if there is way to still be able to hide, show parts of the mesh, but still, not show this line... across each polygroup. Thanks.
I tried ASCII instead of Bin. didn't think that would help. but tried anyways, since I wasn't sure what else to do.