Hey everyone,
So I've been learning Substance Designer, and I've made this Mandala pattern following a tutorial on Youtube and while I'm really pleased with it in Designer, in Marmoset it looks really flat and loses a lot of the detail that it had in Designer. I've looked online but I'm having difficulty finding anything in depth on presenting Substance Materials, so I was hoping someone might be able to point me in the right direction?
I'd love to have some really nice renders from Toolbag to showcase on my Portfolio (And futureproof myself once I start really getting into it)


Sorry if this has been asked a dozen times over, it's pretty late and I'm doing this before I head to bed. Thanks!
other then that you most likely have completely different lighting scenarios going on, which isnt helping.
also, make sure your using the same color space model in both programs (RGB, SRGB).
I think the biggest lesson to take out from this always double check your stuff in marmoset as your working.
I have two monitors, and my second one is almost always occupied by a marmoset scene to double check everything.
And if you don't have access to the same environment for Designer and Toolbag : ask the makers of the two apps, directly. It's in their interest to provide customers with unified tools for a smooth workflow.
The diffence may as well come be that you're not using AO (or maybe it's not too strong to show) and maybe you're using parallax in designer.
I'll have another stab at it when I get home from work tonight. @pior that hadn't occurred to me, I forget how approachable both companies are, so that's worth a try, thanks.
Also, has anyone else experienced issues with using Substance Materials made using the Substance Engine V6 being imported into Toolbag? When I try, it just doesn't load. I have to set the project to Substance Engine V5 and delete any nodes that aren't compatible with it (Which kind of defeats the purpose)
I guess my point is : first, try to setup a consistent environment yourself (there are countless high quality hdri maps available online for free or cheap) - and if it proves to be difficult, then ask them
It sure wouldn't hurt for the apps to came with at least a few common skies though.
As I'll said, I'll have another stab at it tonight and see what kind of results I get.
Too bad Substance soft doesn't have a nice tool for that directly . Would love iray can do so.