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Portfolio in need of critique

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Snikers_110 vertex
Hello everyone! I would like to ask everyone here for feedback on my portfolio pieces. I'm amateur and i still got one year till i graduate from college, so i would like to spend that time improving my portfolio for job hunt. Recently i passed the environment art test at one major AAA studio for internship and got invited to interview, but got turned down at very last minute (as they said my art test was done ,,excellent" so i don't really know what to think about it). Still this experience was very motivating, so here I am asking for critique from professional 3D artists. For now my portfolio consists of individual pieces, so i think some cyberpunk environment will be my next project, as it is more challenging and in different style than previous models.

link to the portfolio:


  • YannickStoot
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    YannickStoot polycounter lvl 3
    Overall I think your assets are quite good. The texturing has some improvement but it is nothing major.

    1: Since your doing props I would add a marmoset viewer to all objects. This way the person hiring  you can check out all the channels and thus see how they are made. I would put it below all the screenshots so that if a person is interested enough than he can check out the wires etc.

    2: Aside from that technical aspect I would say presentation.
    Check out the following portfolio pieces:
    These all have solid presentations.

    Some things to take note of:
    -Environment map with distinct highlights/contrast. This is done to show details. As well as rather bright. 
    -Related environment: I noticed that most swords are presented like yours are, floating in the air. This is good for 3D viewers as you don't want to obstruct the view but in the case of screenshots I would do it differently.
    Create various shots and put some time into the environment in which the weapon lies. This can be a simple table with a medieval wall behind it or a little bit more elaborate. In short you want to sell the object as pretty and engaging as possible. Example: https://sketchfab.com/models/e130fb72fe324468a76eb24ac7c031dc

    A good presentation I found was this one: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/8zl36
    It hits all angles that are important for someone hiring you.
    -Beauty images.
    -Wire frames.
    -3D viewer.
    -In-game images.
    -Breakdown/additional explanation about design choices.
    -UV info.
    -Presentation/creation/speed-up video.

    I hope this is helpful. Cheers.
  • ArNavart
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    ArNavart polycounter lvl 2
    Well, before commenting on anything else I'd say right from the butt, that you need more complex models aside from swords and axes, because they're relatively simple and easy to make, and (as much as the recruiters enjoy such things :p ) there's probably no need to have 4 swords in 7 piece portfolio. Textures and materials could definitely use more definition, for example Royal halberd doesn't read well as a metal, also its different parts should show different levels of dirt, damage, scratches, grinding, coloration etc, the same is true for all other blades. The glowing runes don't mix well, they're like floating above weapons. For shotgun, if nothing, it could at least use better lighting.

    Hope it helps

  • Maximum-Dev
    For your final renders you should definitely go for some more interesting setups. Some variation in light colors, background colors, some lens effects and such would go a long way when it comes to final presentation. Here's one to give you more ideas:

    Hope that helps.
  • lotet
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    lotet hero character
    If your gonna use your Art station as your portfolio you really need to make a better banner.
    the random float-y cubes you have right now was the first think I noticed, and its distracting me from your actual work, which is way better looking.
  • Snikers_110
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    Snikers_110 vertex
    YannickStoot, wow thank you so much for the effort you put into this feedback, extremly helpful and detailed, i will make sure to put more effort into presentation.

    ArNavart Yeah, i will take on creating something much more complex now, you are absolutely right. And thank you for comment about materials, thats the stuff i have the most trouble judging if it will actually look good for end user.

    Maximum-Dev, thank you, will absolutely focus more on preparing the presentation.

    lotet, actually i stopped even paying attention to the banner, its been there forever, so thank you for making me take a note of it, will definietly change it for something what suits the portfolio better

    Thank you guys for comments, really valuable critiques :D 
  • Snikers_110
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    Snikers_110 vertex
    YannickStoot, wow thank you so much for the effort you put into this feedback, extremly helpful and detailed, i will make sure to put more effort into presentation.

    ArNavart Yeah, i will take on creating something much more complex now, you are absolutely right. And thank you for comment about materials, thats the stuff i have the most trouble judging if it will actually look good for end user.

    Maximum-Dev, thank you, will absolutely focus more on preparing the presentation.

    lotet, actually i stopped even paying attention to the banner, its been there forever, so thank you for making me take a note of it, will definietly change it for something what suits the portfolio better

    Thank you guys for comments, really valuable critiques :D 
  • Snikers_110
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    Snikers_110 vertex
    YannickStoot, wow thank you so much for the effort you put into this feedback, extremly helpful and detailed, i will make sure to put more effort into presentation.

    ArNavart Yeah, i will take on creating something much more complex now, you are absolutely right. And thank you for comment about materials, thats the stuff i have the most trouble judging if it will actually look good for end user.

    Maximum-Dev, thank you, will absolutely focus more on preparing the presentation.

    lotet, actually i stopped even paying attention to the banner, its been there forever, so thank you for making me take a note of it, will definietly change it for something what suits the portfolio better

    Thank you guys for comments, really valuable critiques :D 
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