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Will lack of facial affect a game animator's jobs prospects?

polycounter lvl 5
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AGoodFella polycounter lvl 5

I have a concern. When I decided I wanted to be a games animator, I heard a lot of people say body mechanics should be a priority.

So that's what I focused on and now I'm beginning to worry that since I've never even done or tried facial animation, it might be a n issue. Maybe I focused too much in body mechanics.

I mean, I'm doing stuff with Unreal and motion capture but I've never even attempted facial.

Maybe I should take a break from body mechanics and try to do some shots from the chest up with just facial.

I mean, will it affect my chance of landing an entry level job at a games studio? Ideally, I'd be doing in-game stuff.


  • Kevin Albers
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    Kevin Albers polycounter lvl 20
    Depends on the studio. It might be a problem, unless they already have facial animation specialists.

    More to the point, I can't think of good reasons to NOT study facial animation if you want to have a career as an animator. It's one of the core skills of a well rounded animator, and it should be something animators consider fun to do. Not having any of it would seem a bit weird to me.
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