I've been working with 3Ds Max 2017 for a while now and believe that the smoothing groups works different compared to prior versions of Max.
Here is the "issue":
I have a standard Edit Poly Box in my scene and tessellated it once.

If I move the middle Vertex into the center of the box, it shows a shading as if the box would be triangulated.

Here is what I believe it was before.

If anyone knows any settings that I can tweak in order to get the old result back, feel free to help me out.
I believe that this shading "issue" might have to do with my settings for the viewport shading, but I am not sure.
Edit: One solution would be to use the Nitrous Direct3D 9, but that is not something that I would like to use.
So in 2018, without the Model Assist mode, your viewport would act the same way as mine?
Also, are you using the Nitrous Direct3D 11.0?
I've read around and my issue seems to be a part of using the Nitrous drivers.
As for many people, I don't like change... So this has been very frustrating. Happy to know that they addressed the issue (sort of) in 2018.
And hey, it's probably good to be able and see the triangulation flow when you are modelling, especially for games.