Hey all, I'm teaching myself how to use the unreal engine. I created a complex car I wanted to rig and try and drive around in the engine but I wanted to texture it first. My question is, how many UV maps should I create for this car? It has an open cab with many accessories and an interior. Should I put all of the car assets on one UV map and the accessories on another? This is going to be a portfolio piece and not part of an actual game. Any help would be greatly appreciated
You could easily split this down into multiple uvmaps, and its a common approach with such a complex asset, especially if it meant to be a hero asset. You could split it into like paint, metals, interior parts, tires, translucent parts, etc. Having 10-20 materials on a vehicle is fairly common. This way you can reuse a material library on all of the vehicles in the game. But it depends on some things as usually... And I know this isn't for a game but I think its still a good idea to do it in the usual way.
I'd try to use tiling materials wherever its possible.
I'd try to use tiling materials wherever its possible.
There was this McLaren, and Epic released its materials for free:
This should give you an idea about how to approach the texturing and materials of a car.