I read what is new in Maya 2018; there are some amazing features with regards to Character Animation. UV editing has some neat features and as for BiFrost not too much and some extras for MASH.
What you personally think of the upgrade is up to you that is my brief review.
Autodesk claims there are 3 million on Subscription for Maya; while there are roughly 13 million using illegal copies of Maya or Max worldwide.
Maya has nowhere near 3 mill legit seats.
From the looks of it Autodesk has simply re-branded Mudbox 2017 at 2018; well I may have to purchase zBrush soon anyhow.
click on the items on the left (What's New in Maya 2018)
my god, shift extrude is back!!!
Harden edges along texture border
You can now easily harden all polygon edges that lie along a texture border via the Soften / Harden Edge command or cut seams along all hard edges by using Auto Seams.
Convert to Contiguous Edges
(why did this take 5 years though )
I know these were available by scripting but it's nice to have it finally baked into the program.
Mudbox manager ?
sounds like a huge user base if true, considering how niche 3D/CG seems to be in general and that they tell us that it's not maya that has the archivz, CAD and design markets cornered.
As you mentioned, Maya may rule feature vfx world. That market is peanut compare to other markets.
3mil active maya lic? no way.
Any of you got a source on that 3 million number? Asking for a friend.
Adobe Creative Cloud is doing well and I must admit, from reading pirating recent versions of Adobe software has become impossible; that also means that Adobe prices are a bit high. Autodesk taps into Adobe secret and no more pirate copy of Maya or Max will be floating around.
M&E 1 year revenue is around $160mil last year.
Maya never have made more than 3dsMax.
So.. the best base could be around around $60mill per year.
Thats 60,000 subscripbers.
a demo from the developers of the MASH nodes...