Heya there! I want to get more involved with the 3D world so here I am making my sketchbook !
The thing is, I don't really know yet what I want to go for within the 3D game art world, so I consider myself more of a generalist at the moment

I like environment, but also character works. From realistic to stylised and all what's in between ! So I hope to grow here and well the feedback from your guys will of course help me progress

! So feel free to leave any critique or feedback on any of the works I'll start to post here!
Here's the first one, a bust sculpt (WIP) of Eren Jaeger in titan form in a bit more detailed/realistic view than in the manga/anime.

so here's the WIP of the first one:
I really do want to get this one game ready!
Original concept by Chris Campbell included.
I'm wrapping up the modelling part and soon I'll start retopping. The Viking dude is on a hold now, due to a shift in focus and the current project is more fitting for my portfolio, maybe I'll come back to him one day.
(Original concept by Daniel Orive)