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How does front paging work?

polycounter lvl 11
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stickadtroja polycounter lvl 11
Im wondering since this thread  http://polycount.com/discussion/comment/2561978#Comment_2561978
got to the frontpage.
even if its entertaining to some, most people here seems to feel that its not front page worthy. and because of this, the thread was derailed, which is of no benefit to the thread creator.

how does it work? can anyone front page stuff? or just mods?


  • Klawd
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    Klawd polycounter lvl 8
    You guys should stop taking this stuff so seriously. One funny post on the frontpage isn't bringing down Polycount's quality. It is just a reminder that this community is friendly and relaxed. 
  • Testnick
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    Testnick node
    Yeah, this community is also busy and looks forward to improvement instead of something dumping up the main page.
  • garcellano
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    garcellano greentooth
    I understand what you mean. I'm sure on one side, it's just a something to take lightly, but I don't know either what would be on the front page.
  • lotet
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    lotet hero character
    yeah, I think that thread in particular should have been banned, if anything, rather then front paged. but Im not really worried PC is doomed or anything, in the end it was really just a bad joke.
  • [Deleted User]
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  • Eric Chadwick
    See something cool or front page worthy? Let us know. Flag > Report is one acceptable way. Or message one of the moderators .
  • lotet
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    lotet hero character
    See something cool or front page worthy? Let us know. Flag > Report is one acceptable way. Or message one of the moderators .
    that is actually a really good idea, is it possible to implement a  "front page worthy" flag option? that way mods can see if "the public" really wants something up there they might have missed.
  • Amsterdam Hilton Hotel
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    Amsterdam Hilton Hotel insane polycounter
    if people take front page seriously then i demand more front page shitposts
  • Felixenfeu
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    Felixenfeu polycounter lvl 10
    if people take front page seriously then i demand more front page shitposts
    To me, this website always been a bunch of artist shitposting and making art. I expect nothing less.
  • Ruflse
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    Ruflse polycounter lvl 8
    I agree with the idea that some jokes from time to time like the ones were done in April' Fools can be cool, but that stuff shouldn't be the first thing you see when you enter Polycount, because I know how this ends for a lot of forums. What is the line for this kind of thing taking space where there should be the work of an actual user instead of someone shitposting or some random joke? At first it's a single thread, but then new people start to register with the wrong idea and it doesn't end well.

    If someone wants to make a thread without actual relation to the things treated here General Discussion exists for that reason, but I don't think joke posts should be the first thing to see when visiting PC.

    I vote for some king of system where you can + a thread to be in the front page and after a number of upvotes the mods can decide if it's worth of it or not.
  • Deathstick
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    Deathstick polycounter lvl 7
    Im wondering since this thread  http://polycount.com/discussion/comment/2561978#Comment_2561978
    got to the frontpage.
    even if its entertaining to some, most people here seems to feel that its not front page worthy. and because of this, the thread was derailed, which is of no benefit to the thread creator.

    how does it work? can anyone front page stuff? or just mods?
    Pretty sure that thread contains the prettiest art, of all art!
  • stickadtroja
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    stickadtroja polycounter lvl 11
    i take the front page very seriously, because i have to look at it a lot. if the jokes could be contained for the people who like them, in their own threads, id be happier. i mean, any occasional aprils fools joke is one thing, but this was basically "look at this person being bad at art luuuuuulz".

    also, for me, the people who strive for polycount to be this cool club with inside jokes and what not, are basically shitting on all the super nice knowledge that can be found here. come on, this is by far the best place i found to learn about 3d and gameart, but i dont want to have to filter away a bunch of irrelevant "jokes" and people trying to use this as a social place. cant you use the slack or facebook for that?

  • Joopson
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    Joopson quad damage
    .....people trying to use this as a social place. cant you use the slack or facebook for that?

    Personally, I think frontpaging that thread was a little mean, or at least unnecessary. But you can't expect polycount to be a sterile place for posting work, and for nothing else. If you want that, post to instagram or something.

    Polycount is a community, and communities are social.
  • Zack Maxwell
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    Zack Maxwell interpolator
    Joopson said:
    Personally, I think frontpaging that thread was a little mean, or at least unnecessary. But you can't expect polycount to be a sterile place for posting work, and for nothing else. If you want that, post to instagram or something.

    Polycount is a community, and communities are social.
    The problem isn't that the thread exists, the problem is it was given a front-page slot. Not only would it've been a lot more helpful to give that slot to literally anyone posting actual work and wanting feedback, but like Rufise said; as the first thing people see coming to the site, it gives a bad impression of the place and attracts the wrong kind of people.
    This is said assuming that the OP of that thread was trolling, but even if that isn't the case, the tone of the thread that followed and the reason why it was given a front-page slot still make it true.
  • lotet
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    lotet hero character
    I think this discussion is getting personal for a lot of people because the fact is, front page is serial business.
    I dont really think its about what actually happened, but more of the idea behind it.

    front page can be a sign of approval to the community, a milestone to look up to, a sign that your final "good enough" for the industry to just name a few reasons.

    that just kinda got shit upon by a random, arguably funny and/or mean joke.
  • Eric Chadwick
    lotet said:
    I think this discussion is getting personal for a lot of people because the fact is, front page is serial business.

    Serial business?
  • JordanN
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    JordanN interpolator
    Your Polycount license has expired. Please purchase a new license to continue your subscription. 
  • lotet
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    lotet hero character

    Serial business?

    you heard me!

    (that was my attempt to a joke btw, maybe it didnt work out) :(
  • Eric Chadwick
     Did you mean "serious business" instead?
  • lotet
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    lotet hero character
     Did you mean "serious business" instead?
    well of course I did, but I though I would lighten the mood  a bit by writing "serial" instead. apparently my humor is bad and now me trying to explain the joke makes this even worse, oh well.. xD
  • Eric Chadwick
    You guys are way too serious about the front page. 

    Sure, there's some little exposure to industry eyeballs. However this is first and foremost a community site, not an employment site. Any tiny exposure you get from our front page is so so minor compared to the actual scrutiny you get during a job application. 

    Or is there some other seriousness consideration I'm missing?
  • Zack Maxwell
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    Zack Maxwell interpolator
    You guys are way too serious about the front page. 

    Sure, there's some little exposure to industry eyeballs. However this is first and foremost a community site, not an employment site. Any tiny exposure you get from our front page is so so minor compared to the actual scrutiny you get during a job application. 

    Or is there some other seriousness consideration I'm missing?
    Having a front-page post gives you more views == gives you more comments == gives you more feedback/critique on your work. And feedback is woefully hard to come by on this site, unfortunately.
    It also ups the chance of it getting shared on social media, and potentially increasing your exposure as an artist all around.
  • [Deleted User]
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    [Deleted User] insane polycounter
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • igi
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    igi polycounter lvl 12
    I can live with one lulz thread on the frontpage per two months. Afaik we got two similar incidents on the front page so far.
  • Eric Chadwick
    Grimwolf said:
    And feedback is woefully hard to come by on this site, unfortunately.

    Why you're not getting any replies
  • throttlekitty
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    throttlekitty ngon master
    What's going on in this thread?

  • stickadtroja
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    stickadtroja polycounter lvl 11
    maybe the front page was more important before, i remember when it didnt get updated that often, and the stuff that made it there was the really cool shit. now its pretty busy, and i prefer it like that, but then you get the mods poor choices of jokes aswell.

    what bothers me a lot, is that i have to have this super boring, cringy, kids club inside jokes showed into my attention when i visit this site. its not like seeing that stuff in general, cuz if you dont like it, you dont have to browse general. but since the content of the front page for the most part is really inspiring and useful, i cant afford not to look at it.

    You guys are way too serious about the front page.
    this feels like you are inconsiderate. you, mods, decided what to show in my daily polycount newsfeed, in a place i look everytime i visit the site, and you tell me to not take it too seriously?
    poor analogy;
    shitty stand up comedian stands on in a busy city square, yelling poor jokes with a megaphone. when people complain, he tells them not to take it to seriously.
    its not the content, its the intrusion that is the annoying part, that you decide that this thing, that give you a slight chuckle, is worthy of mine and everybody else s attention.
  • Eric Chadwick
  • Magihat
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    Magihat ngon master
    Intrusion? I think you might be the comedian in the city square because I am laughing right now!
  • stickadtroja
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    stickadtroja polycounter lvl 11
    EDIT: this was stupid. if you want to make the site into a high school locker room, clearly i cant stop you.
  • Zack Maxwell
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    Zack Maxwell interpolator

    Why you're not getting any replies
    I do try to follow those guidelines, but it never seems to make a difference in the end. Also, don't you see it as problematic that so many people complain about their work getting ignored by the community that you had to create a thread discussing how to get more responses?
    I'm not saying I know of any solutions to the inherent problem; it isn't unique to polycount.
    It's true though that getting a bunch of extra views from a front-page slot helps a lot.
  • Klawd
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    Klawd polycounter lvl 8
    @Grimwolf an advice I can give you is that complaining like this doesn't help. From your words I understand that you feel entitled to receive feedback from the community, and not receiving it means the community is broken. Start questioning yourself more, it's the way to improve.

    @stickadtroja, I see that you are still taking this matter so seriously:

  • Zack Maxwell
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    Zack Maxwell interpolator
    -Edit- Nevermind, I don't even want to get into it
  • lotet
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    lotet hero character
    can we either close or drastically "re-rail" this thread? whatever side of the argument you are on, whats going on now isnt really supporting either side.
  • stickadtroja
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    stickadtroja polycounter lvl 11
    im going to make a poll, interesting to see how people feel about this.
  • Francois_K
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    Francois_K interpolator
    I'm trying to understand ...

    Are you jealous , do you feel like your work is good but is being overlooked and deserves to be featured enough? That some work is inferior to yours and should be featured instead? 

    And I think you need to differentiate between front page and monthly feature. Front page is really not a guarantee that you will be in a monthly feature , so front page features come and go , funny threads , good art , tutorials whatever. 

    As far as I'm concerned , you can make something good , and get on the front page and get positive attention
    Or you can make something stupid that people will sneer at , laugh , get on the front page and get negative attention or something they will remember you by and can't take you seriously.

    Just hunker down and make something , whether a stupid threads lands on the front page really shouldn't be your concern.
  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    man what happened to this board. People really seem to have a splintery stick up their rears nowadays !! cmon....you KNOW how front paging works, you just wanted to stir shit or throw someone under the bus for posting a joke on the frontpage, wich nobody cares by the way...Godamnit

    EDIT : this post made me become an interpolator. doot doot. 

  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    I think it's fairly understandable that some get annoyed by this kind of content. And it's probably because there is no clear mission statement for the site, forum and front page. 

    For instance, if the PC frontpage is supposed to be a place where great work is shown and a spot where industry professionals can come in search for talent then of course lolposts don't fit. But if it is more of an "anything goes" kind of place, then so be it. But it might be worth being more clear about that because the less clear things are, the more likely it is for the audience to lose interest. Because the content will undoubtedly drift from their expectations, whatever these expectations may be.

    Also thread thumbnails.
  • Stinger88
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    Stinger88 polycounter
    Pretty sure the font page needs to feature a lot more "tits and ass" if this community wants to be considered more professional.
  • MitchNew
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    MitchNew vertex
    So is Deviant Art just one big joke? LOL
  • Zack Maxwell
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    Zack Maxwell interpolator
    MitchNew said:
    So is Deviant Art just one big joke? LOL
    Yes. Yes it is

    Fun game; load up the front page of DeviantArt right now, and count how many naked anthropomorphic animals and/or Sonic OCs show up.
  • Michael Knubben
    JoshuaG said:
    I wanna get to the front page, will this work? 
    I've burned through my lolposts quota for this month, sorry.

    Hi everyone! It's me! The downfall of Polycount, the vile criminal mastermind who dared commit this heinous crime to the most holy of frontpages: sharing something that made me laugh.
    Here we are, in the burned rubble of what was once Polycount, picking through the 'bu-bu but what about my work' posts and 'u guys this isn't perfessional'.

    Here are some helpful explanations for when your post hasn't been frontpaged:
    -No moderators saw it.
    -No members saw it.
    -No moderators liked it enough to bring it to the attention of the masses.
    -No members liked it enough to bring it to the attention of the moderators.
    No matter which of these apply, please remember:
    Nobody is owed a spot on the frontpage.
    Nobody is owed a spot on the recap*.

    Every moderator will have both their personal niche of work that they enjoy and want to shine a light on most, as well as too little time to look at every thread. If an appreciable amount of members bring a thread to our attention it'll certainly be frontpaged.
    Remember that almost all of us are professional game artists, and choose to spend our free time moderating Polycount. While feedback is always welcomed, this 'how does it work?' nonsense is more than a little spineless.

    It's clear that there's been a shift in the attitude on Polycount, both good and bad, but oh boy, I sure wish people's skin was thicker.
    Special mention for @fuzzzzzz, who has managed to be personally offended that his Zbrush plugin wasn't frontpaged, as well as lamenting that 'polycount do not list this utility in the june recap'. Stay tuned for an update on the july recap re: his utility's inclusion!**

    While I can appreciate @Joopson's point that it was mean to highlight it, I find it hard to take that thread seriously, so... I took it for the a joke. Try to do the same, or try to ignore one post.
    Now, let's all go back to making art.

    * which, get this: is made by one guy. If you were never featured, it's reasonable to infer he personally dislikes you!! Thankfully, the moderator team's tastes cover a wide range. We even let an animator on there! Which we all know to be the lesser art.
    **He also called @pior a sublime tool, which, while a fine opinion, is still pretty hurtful, I'm sure. +1 this post for thoughts and prayers.

  • Michael Knubben

    this feels like you are inconsiderate. you, mods, decided what to show in my daily polycount newsfeed, in a place i look everytime i visit the site, and you tell me to not take it too seriously?
    poor analogy;
    shitty stand up comedian stands on in a busy city square, yelling poor jokes with a megaphone. when people complain, he tells them not to take it to seriously.
    its not the content, its the intrusion that is the annoying part, that you decide that this thing, that give you a slight chuckle, is worthy of mine and everybody else s attention.
    I thought I should reply to this, but forgot earlier:
    Do me a favour. Take a screenshot of every shitty post on the frontpage. Note how far apart they are. Post them here. Then I might engage you in a reasoned debate about the value of what we do, and the personal hardships you face at our inconsiderate hands.
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    Just wanted to let you all know, that this is what serious business looks like.

    Image result for business of ferrets
  • stickadtroja
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    stickadtroja polycounter lvl 11
    I thought I should reply to this, but forgot earlier:
    Do me a favour. Take a screenshot of every shitty post on the frontpage. Note how far apart they are. Post them here. Then I might engage you in a reasoned debate about the value of what we do, and the personal hardships you face at our inconsiderate hands.
    your slack behavior suggest to me that you arent that capable of a "reasoned debate". anyway.

    to me it seems that the smallest common denominator for this community is the interest game art and games. isnt it smarter to have that, and only that on the front page? that way you please everybody, and you can still pm those hilarious jokes around to your friends.
  • Synaesthesia
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    Synaesthesia polycounter
  • lotet
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    lotet hero character
    MitchNew said:
    So is Deviant Art just one big joke? LOL
    well at least we can all agree on that one being a big fat YES I hope :)
  • JordanN
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    JordanN interpolator
    JoshuaG said:
    To be truthfully fair, I don't care about the front page. I really look more at the Monthly Recap for the good art and threads.
    Same here.

    I'm already browsing sites like 3dtotal or Artstation which I personally believe they exist to show you a collage of art.

    Polycount is a forum based site, which has its pros and cons in relation to this. The pro being you get more content when you actually visit a thread, instead of just at the splash page. I also find the splash page to be on the unoptimized side even though I can browse something like Artstation (which shows more art running on my screen) just fine.
  • rohMizuno
  • NoRank
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    NoRank polycounter lvl 3
    thank mr skeltal
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