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Zbrush 4R8 project all not working

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Apheleion vertex
anyone else notice how project all in 4R8 does not project detail from your high poly to your retopoed model?


  • musashidan
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    musashidan high dynamic range
    Elaborate. What have you tried? What are your settings? What happens when you hit project all? What are your steps? It's working perfectly fine my end.
  • Apheleion
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    Apheleion vertex
    Thank you very much for the rapid reply, so i had my highpoly and i retopoed it using zspheres so now i have my low poly as well. i tried projecting the detail from the highpoly to the low but the detail was no transferring at all. I used the default set up of project all just to see what i had to tweak to make it better but no detail was transferred to the low, i divided my low poly a few times thinking i did not have enough polys to capture the detail but none of the detail was transferred.
  • BradMyers82
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    BradMyers82 interpolator
    This is a stab in the dark, but perhaps you have some crazy scale going on in your scene.  It could be throwing off the ray distance which generally just works well at default.  Id run a test on a lightbox sphere and see what what happens when you use "zbrush" friendly scale.
  • Apheleion
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    Apheleion vertex
    thanks for the reply what do you mean by scaling like the low poly is too large or small and the project is having hard time projecting based on the size difference?
  • Apheleion
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    Apheleion vertex
    Oh yeah BradMyers82 i tried the sphere projection and it is not working the highpoly does not project detail to the low poly sphere at all
  • BradMyers82
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    BradMyers82 interpolator
    Yes, its most likely having difficulty based on the size and distance.  It might appear the your models line up super close, but if the scale was insanely large then the default distance would not be sufficient.  you can try turning the distance up greatly and see if that helps.

    I just tested it myself on a default sphere from lightbox, in zbrush r8 p1, and the projection is indeed working properly.  I did have to turn up the distance slightly but it worked as expected after I did that.
  • BradMyers82
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    BradMyers82 interpolator
    Of course it will only project as much detail as is possible on your lowpoly.  I assume you already know this though.

  • musashidan
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    musashidan high dynamic range
    Make sure your retop is the active subtool and that your highpoly is visible (eyeball on in subtool list) when you project.

    If you retoped using zsphere then the scale between subtools will be the same. But, as mentioned, the scale of your highpoly might be too big. Append a primitive to the list(primitives are are ZB native scale) to check the scale.
  • Apheleion
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    Apheleion vertex
    BragMyers82 so I created the standard sphere and duplicated it and then divided the duplicate once and then tried to project tthat detail onto the non divided sphere and none of the information transferred, the lower poly on was at 2k and the higher poly was at 4k so the difference between the 2 was not off by much.

    Musashidan i am on the low poly and the eyeball is on for the high poly and it looks like they are overlaying one another which is normal, i am away from my laptop but on my phone currently i will post photos to help when i get back home, and thanks again Musashidan and BradMyers 82 for the rapid replies
  • Apheleion
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    Apheleion vertex
    alright so here is the model with the high and low poly overlayed on one another
  • Apheleion
    Offline / Send Message
    Apheleion vertex
    guys i just figured it out i forgot to change my adaptive skin into a polymesh 3D, it is working fine now
  • musashidan
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    musashidan high dynamic range
    The simple things,  eh? :)
  • FlipNormals
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    FlipNormals polycounter lvl 5
    now my project all not working zbrush 2019.1.2
    tried on default cylinder. default setting and it even wont fix with dist 1
    something crazy, he was working fine as usual and then stop
    UPD: find out in my tool  =)
    that's ironic, the answer in my nickname =)

  • Cazpher
    Hello guys. The result of my projected mesh is still the same and I don't know why. Please help me. 1st pic is the result
  • BradMyers82
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    BradMyers82 interpolator
    Just thought I'd follow up on here since a similar issue happened to me (again).
    Assuming folks aren't using the projection wrong (have models visible and geometry turned on to projection settings)...   It's almost always a scale issue.  I was using Character Creator  recently which has a terrible scale for zbrush sculpting when you transfer from Character Creator to Zbrush.
    Won't go into details there, but basically despite adjusting my "project all" setting the behavior was way off based on what it should be doing.
    I figured it didn't like my mesh which I rescaled to that zbrush scene that I was projecting from.  I discovered this by trying to project to a different object and the projection worked.  So if you have this issue try this:

    -Save your zbrush file so you can get back to wherever you are currently.
    -Use "Scale Master">"Zbrush Scale Unify" to attempt to take the universal scale of your objects out of the equation.
    -Try to project with new appended objects like simple appended geo shapes.  You're doing this to insure you can actually project in your current scene.
    -Assuming you can project *some meshes.  Carry on to the final step, if not keep attempting to project with various models until you can project.  Again, if you can't project anything ever, its likely simply a matter of your projection settings not setup with the default values.  You want default values to start.
    -Use Zplugin > Decimation Master OR Dynamesh your models you want to project with.  Try doing this on your target mesh and your projection mesh.  This will essentially make a new *fresh model zbrush can better understand.
    -Try projecting with the new meshes to see if you can get projection working now. (you probably can).

    So the only thing that worked for me with my project and Character Creator was to dynamesh my highpoly that I wanted to project from to get my details back.  It somehow resets the scale values and suddenly everything worked.

    Hope this helps anyone looking for the solution.  Its super frustrating I know because its a simple operation really.

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