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Faster workflow using voice-activated macros

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Zack Maxwell interpolator
So I found an awesome piece of software today called VoiceMacro.
I've been using it with Houdini to instantly drop down nodes just by saying their name, and I'm already working way faster. I'm sure I could do the same thing in substance designer, but I haven't got around to it yet.
Basically, I'm finding it to be useful for binding a huge number of macros, without having to remember all the keys for them. Or physically have all the keys.
The way I'm using it looks like this;
First I had to set up a key-bound macro in the software for listening, so it would only try to activate macros while a certain key was held down.
Then I have the voice macros. One for instantly adding a line node would look like this;
I would say "Add line", then the macro activates.
Press Tab
Pause 0.001 Seconds
Press L
Press I
Press N
Press E
Press Enter

Then after about a quarter of a second from when I said the command, it drops down a line node.
Which is way faster than having to press tab, type L I, then mouse over Line and select it.
I'm confident much crazier things than this can be done with it.

You can also set up different profiles of macros that get enabled when certain programs are active.
For example, it'll only activate those Houdini macros I made if Houdini is my active window.
If I said "Add Line" right now it would do nothing.


  • lotet
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    lotet hero character
    This sounds really awkward and really useful at the same time.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    "[...] then mouse over Line and select it"

    Seems like Houdini probably has a clunky clunky UX if its search/autocomplete cannot do this smoothly ! It's pretty awful that it requires you to use the mouse after doing keyboard-based search/autocomplete.

    This matches with the experience I've had of the program back when I played with it a few months back - very powerful, but quite poor UX wise.
  • Zack Maxwell
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    Zack Maxwell interpolator
    I'm also finding it useful for binding obscure or complicated hotkeys. That way I don't have to look them up when I want to use them, or perform a bunch of hand-gymnastics
  • Zack Maxwell
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    Zack Maxwell interpolator
    pior said:
    "[...] then mouse over Line and select it"

    Seems like Houdini probably has a clunky clunky UX if its search/autocomplete cannot do this smoothly ! It's pretty awful that it requires you to use the mouse after doing keyboard-based search/autocomplete.

    This matches with the experience I've had of the program back when I played with it a few months back - very powerful, but quite poor UX wise.
    As you can see in that macro, it's possible to just press enter. The problem is it will activate the first result, which won't always be the one you want without typing a lot of text.
    Even in this case though, pressing 4 keys spread across the board is still slower than just saying "add line".
    It's almost identical to how substance designer works, except that you press tab instead of space
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Yeah, I can totally see how it can be useful - and by being useful ... I think it highlights the shortcomings of the Houdini UX itself, no doubt.

    CAD programs are pretty damn good at that sort of stuff - starting a line is just hitting the L key followed directly by arguments, quite similarly to coding. It's interesting how highly technical environments like Houdini and Painter are often not too great at allowing people to work fast (as in, really fast).

    Will definitely try this tool for photoshop actions - at the very least it'll be fun to play around with :)
  • PixelMasher
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    PixelMasher veteran polycounter
    the second someone sitting next to me at work is chattering away all day to their pc, they are getting a savage backhand. but seriously though, audio/voice is gonna be huge over the next 10 years, alexa is just the beginning.
  • Felixenfeu
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    Felixenfeu polycounter lvl 10
    While I see how someone would use this to save time, If there is one thing that I totally never want to do it's talking to my computer.
  • jStins
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    jStins interpolator
    Yeah I can see this being useful, but also incredibly annoying in a studio environment. That said, I'm going to get the ball rolling by binding "Fu*k" to CTRL+Z.
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    are you working alone?
  • Nam.Nguyen
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    Nam.Nguyen polycounter lvl 11
    Never thought of this before, sound really useful for some auto-execute commands like add nodes, run scripts, . . . 

    Imagine how cool it would be while you sitting at your desk, chilling and working, talking to your computer:  

    - New layer
    - Snaps on
    - . . . 

    . . . Mean while your co-worker over there is screaming:

  • thomasp
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    thomasp hero character
    this seems like it could spawn a 3D centric rap culture!  B)

    shame you'll have to swap the lowrider for an aeron though.

  • Prime8
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    Prime8 interpolator
    I guess I would just stick with keyboard hotkey macros, don't like talking to my PC and it feels slower than pressing buttons.
    Either using a keyboard with extra keys or one hotkey to start the macro tool and a second to start the macro I want.
  • Jonas Ronnegard
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    Jonas Ronnegard polycount sponsor
    Totally gonna install this on the wifes computer and set it up to do something annoying for words she uses when she is mad, does it do japanese?
  • Nam.Nguyen
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    Nam.Nguyen polycounter lvl 11
    While we're at it. I think this could be helpful to some one, an extra macro keyboard

    It does take some effort to set up, basically you configure windows to recognize the 2nd keyboard as a separate one and then use autohotkey to program each key to a macro. So instead of having to remember and press "Ctrl+Shift+P" to run script #1 you'll have a unique "script #1 key"


  • Zack Maxwell
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    Zack Maxwell interpolator
    I do work alone, it didn't occur to me how that would be in a studio environment.
    You could probably be pretty quiet though if you got a headset microphone and jacked the mic volume all the way up.
  • SpaceRogue
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    SpaceRogue polycounter lvl 3
    I already feel awkward talking to a phone, my friends constantly need to poke me into talking on the headphones. No thanks, I'll pas big time. 

    I can't see this being a thing in studio's at all tbh. People talk over each other, and if they are talking about similar things I see a lot of issues popping up when the app accidentally picks up 'hotkeys' and executes them without you wanting or knowing it.

     jStins said:
    Yeah I can see this being useful, but also incredibly annoying in a studio environment. That said, I'm going to get the ball rolling by binding "Fu*k" to CTRL+Z.

    On second thought .... 
  • Deathstick
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    Deathstick polycounter lvl 7
    A programmer at my old job has severe carpal tunnel (needs to wear metal wrist braces-type pain) and he set up something similar to this so he doesn't have to type or use the mouse as much. I still don't know how he does it but it's cool nonetheless. He did work remotely from his home office, not quite sure how well it would work while being surrounded by other people.
  • Mark Dygert
    I want a camera (similar to leap motion) that sits next to my keyboard on the left side and tracks hand movement on a precise level. So I can make simple hand gestures and have that translate into a macro commands.

    Cut: fruit ninja slice
    Bridge: index and middle fingers come together
    Brush strength: pinch motion 
    Or use the sign language alphabet as replacements for traditional key binds.

    There are apps that read sign language, so maybe you could just have your phone sitting next to your keyboard and wave your fingers over it to activate it. hummm... It would need to be super responsive and never f*ck up so a phone app probably wouldn't work, ha.

  • throttlekitty
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    throttlekitty ngon master
    jStins said:
    Yeah I can see this being useful, but also incredibly annoying in a studio environment. That said, I'm going to get the ball rolling by binding "Fu*k" to CTRL+Z.

    @Mark Dygert I know a guy who was all about the leap motion until he got one. It sounded like it's just too inaccurate and/or slow to be of any use. I think he complained about the config/UI being too obnoxious, but he also thinks the Maya UI is bad. :)
  • Zack Maxwell
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    Zack Maxwell interpolator
    jStins said:
    Yeah I can see this being useful, but also incredibly annoying in a studio environment. That said, I'm going to get the ball rolling by binding "Fu*k" to CTRL+Z.

    @Mark Dygert I know a guy who was all about the leap motion until he got one. It sounded like it's just too inaccurate and/or slow to be of any use. I think he complained about the config/UI being too obnoxious, but he also thinks the Maya UI is bad. :)
    Oh God, that thing is a monstrosity. I got it to try using in place of my mouse to alleviate carpal tunnel symptoms.
    "Inaccurate" doesn't even begin to describe it. I tried it for like a week, and it's been in my drawer collecting dust ever since.
    I wouldn't even play games made for it.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    I'd rather have an extra macro keypad, foot peddle, or custom scripts. There's already some crazy macro software, you could easily have 4+ layers of macros on a keyboard using Ctrl, alt, and capslock.
  • Amsterdam Hilton Hotel
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    Amsterdam Hilton Hotel insane polycounter
    Prime8 said:
    it feels slower than pressing buttons.
    Came here to post this. It's cool that this is possible, but will speaking (or using mouse gestures for that matter, Maya people) ever be faster than pressing a key? Seems unlikely. Probably best reserved for rare actions.
  • EosOfOrcus
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    EosOfOrcus polycounter lvl 4
    Dude you live in 3017. While us live in 2017...
    I don't know how useful that would be. But if you manage to make it work without making yourself looking awkward. Damn right sign me in.
    also if voice commands is a possibility. Then what about eye movement macros.
  • musashidan
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    musashidan high dynamic range
    There is also this thread a while back but, hasn't been posted on since Jan. You posted in it yourself, @grimwolf
  • musashidan
    Offline / Send Message
    musashidan high dynamic range
    There  is also this thread from a while back but, it hasn't been posted on since Jan. You posted on it yourself,  @grimwolf
  • Zack Maxwell
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    Zack Maxwell interpolator
    I was using Dragon though, which is much worse. You have to explicitly tell it which key to activate, rather than using custom macros. Like "press control plus shift plus B", or "press tab, 'extrude', press enter".
  • Prime8
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    Prime8 interpolator
    Prime8 said:
    it feels slower than pressing buttons.
    Came here to post this. It's cool that this is possible, but will speaking (or using mouse gestures for that matter, Maya people) ever be faster than pressing a key? Seems unlikely. Probably best reserved for rare actions.
    For rarely used actions I would rather use a keyboard shortcut with a command search/suggestion system. If the action is not used often I would probably forget the spoken command anyway or have to think about it.

    Currently I don't use any macros but remapped the application key to work as a modifier like Fn on laptops. If I wanted to use macros I'd map them to Fn, super easy and fast to access.
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