Hello Everyone and thank you for taking the time to check out my thread! I'm using this thread as a means to journal and archive my progress through multiple hard surface models including: Weapons, Vehicles and other assets that would fall under the category. My goal is to finish enough projects in each category that I may use as a portfolio while I finish my senior year of college.
Comments and Critiques are always welcome and will be taken into consideration as I work on projects. Also, if anyone has recommendations for future projects I would love to hear about those as well!
I will be updating this first post with more information as time passes, but for now let's get to the first project!

I've really enjoyed the design of this weapon for some time now and I thought it would be a great start for the thread!
I wanted to get in most of the pieces for sizing and placement as well as the functionality of the loading mechanism. Some of the pieces are more complicated in the concept but I will make sure to get all those interesting details in by the end.
If anyone has feedback on any of the parts I've modeled so far I welcome it. Thank you guys.
while i do not agree entirely on this one, as realistisc FPS weapons totally should look realistic in first person view foremost, i think this is still a pretty good example.
Always pleased to hear feedback! Thank you guys!
If you have any feedback I would really appreciate it! Thank you everyone!
After watching Allegorithmic's videos about Substance Painter I realized I had been doing a couple things incorrectly and decided to come back and fix a few things. In the process I figured I would also remodel a couple things that were bugging me. I adjusted some proportions for the grip and other misc details. I also decided to do an almost complete remodel on the sling to make it more functional. I'm a lot more happy with that now and I'm going repack y UVs and get a new bake going!
Used substance to add in a few extra details as well and now I'm going through and applying base materials. More to come in the next few days!
If anyone has feedback I would love to hear it! I'm approaching the final steps and any constructive criticism helps.
If you would like to check this out on my Artstation the link is here:
I will be adding a marmoset viewer to the page shortly (I need to upgrade to pro)
Moving onto the next project! I will be modeling a Off-road/Safari style Land Rover Defender. I was inspired by some drawings done by Edgaras Cernikas. His drawings sparked childhood memories of off-roading with family and friends that is really pushing me toward this project. Although I do not plan to stick to any one of his drawings, this is the style I would like to go for and will be finding reference that relates to these types of vehicles.
My goal for this project is to model a functional, game-ready model. I will be doing the interior and exterior to showcase different material types. I plan for the model to have functioning wheels, doors, steering wheel and lights.
I'm excited to start and will begin looking for reference ASAP. If anyone has any good reference for this project please feel free to send it my way! Thank you guys and look out for updates in the coming days.
Here is the image that inspired me to do this project:
Concept by Pengzhen Zhang:
High Poly Model: