Hi all,
I have been looking for this a while. In Blender I can set the size of a model after I did multiple changes to it. In Maya I just cannot find the option to do that. I modelled an arch by bending a polygon cube. Afterwards I extruded some edges. Now I want this to have 200 units width. Is there any way to do this?
Either I am missing a specific option or this just is not possible.
scale the arch... move snap the border verticies....
modeling is not an exact sience...
If I change the dimensions, the model resizes according to the units.
Grab the contol points and snap them to what you want to size to.
EDIT: So, if I scale my character uniformly in all axises (x, y, z) with that "Universal Manipulator" in Maya, can I see the values changing on the fly? Like seeing the value of y-axis (which is up in Maya(?)) and probably other two axes changing at the same time, when scaling? Like stopping scaling when the y-axis is around 1.85 meters of the character's height, for example.
Have you used the measure distance tool? You can snap it to two vertexes on a model, then parent the three objects it creates to your model to achieve this:
Not only that, but I would like to focus on the modelling and make it easy to move to Unreal. Not having to play around and drag something up until it has the required height. Works fine with cubes if you do not do too many modifications, but once it gets more complex it becomes quite challenging. I have used the measure distance tool, but it still needs me to drag instead of just putting in a value. With the setting of the dimensions modular modelling becomes a lot easier