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Werewolf Base

polycounter lvl 3
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Youshi polycounter lvl 3
Hey, I'm in the process of creating a werewolf mesh for a groom project I want to undertake, Although I'm having some issues with the Silhouette and anatomy, I'm seeking any possible advice/feedback or any great reference I might not have spotted

Also finding it hard to balance Canine anatomy with human anatomy, (there is a bit of a combination on the legs)


  • Youshi
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    Youshi polycounter lvl 3

    Changed head proportions a bit and started working into the hands a lil at lower resolution.
  • LuvianBlue
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    LuvianBlue polycounter lvl 4
    Very cool sculpt! :)

    Regarding the legs, perhaps bring down the ankles?  Those are some very long metatarsals.  Maybe check out some maned wolf images?  They've got really long legs that you might consider using for reference for proportion.

    Also perhaps make the neck longer?  And perhaps work on the back?  You've got this cool hunched posture, but the back's looking a little flat to me?  You could really emphasize that hunch.
  • Youshi
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    Youshi polycounter lvl 3
    Very cool sculpt! :)

    Regarding the legs, perhaps bring down the ankles?  Those are some very long metatarsals.  Maybe check out some maned wolf images?  They've got really long legs that you might consider using for reference for proportion.

    Also perhaps make the neck longer?  And perhaps work on the back?  You've got this cool hunched posture, but the back's looking a little flat to me?  You could really emphasize that hunch.
    Thanks for the crit! I followed your advice about changed his proportions, legs, neck and back, This is what I came up with

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