Hi to all, i'm searching a gentle soul that can finally clear up to me a basic one: how to obtain a scratch or a detail along a seam using a texture baking software like Substance Painter or so?
Let's assume that i've a tank or gun low or mid poly mesh and in my high poly mesh i'm going to sculpt in zbrush my tear & wear scratches and so also along the borders of the shapes; in my uv layout i'm forced to cut the uv island along the same borders.. i'm doing several test on my meshes but i'm not able to aware completely the seams so the scratches details going to be sometimes baked with some seams and discontinuity..
I'm not able to find a tutorial for that specific topic so i'm not able to know if my purpose isn't achievable or so...
Here i've opened a topic specifically on sub painter, but i'm wondering if any other application can do the job better!
https://forum.allegorithmic.com/index.php/topic,17852.0.htmlSo there's a method to completely hide a seam or is a matter of hiding tricks?
Thanks in advice!
Look here
An unsmoothed cage uses the explicit mesh normals of the low poly for projection. This method results in gaps or seams at hard edge borders and is generally not recommended. The main benefit of this method is that it can result in less skewed detail
Look at https://www.marmoset.co/posts/toolbag-baking-tutorial/ for baking info that you should read.
I'm using Sub Painter with averaged normals. No cage.
I'm already able to avoid that you explain, my problem come when i want to bake details like scratches along the seams (like an edge scratch of a weapon or a vehicle)..
Like that:
Now i found a solution to partailly avoid this, and was to soft the edges (not in a smoothing group meaning, but literally enlarging the chamfer on the mesh) in my low poly mesh.. but when is time to apply materials or so the seam come back visible in some places..
Cage is a bit difficult to make in that model (i think) because i have an amount of 100 parts and some are really intricate so...
I still think you should add some padding i think painter works with both the padding and the apply diffusion.
How do you have your smoothing groups setup, are you setting smoothing groups to uv islands. The rule is if you have a hard edge e.g a smoothing group you must split your uvs.
According to this, all the concerning about the hard or soft edges in a "maya" language (smoothing groups subdivision basically) fall down in my case..
Changing padding didn't do the job