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Cats, frustration, comedy, failure.....my (almost) year long hatred with this stupid Maya bug.

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pixelpatron polycounter
Anyone having this issue!? Hotkeys sticking?

"Has anyone found a solution for the bug where after holding down a hotkey it either gets stuck or it turns into a toggle. I have this problem on all of the snapping modes (x,c,v), moving pivots (d), and discrete mode ( j ). Sometimes the key stops working halfway through the action."

Anyone have any luck contacting working with Autodesk? I posted in the Maya forums almost a full YEAR ago and still not a peep from a mod, not a single reply even though I've bumped almost weekly. 

At least it's been a journey........
Good god what a joke.


  • Axi5
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    Axi5 interpolator
    I haven't come across this bug myself.

    Are you making sure you're not holding down shift while pressing any of these? The hotkeys suggest this toggles the snapping rather than only being active while held. You don't have Sticky Keys enabled either?

    The main annoyance I found with the snaps and discrete rotate was that I needed to hold down the key before I did the action.

    Are you also sure that it isn't a particular plugin or script callback that is interrupting your input?
  • throttlekitty
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    throttlekitty ngon master
    I get exactly that on geometry heavy scenes, super annoying. Except where it stops working halfway through.

    When vert or edge snapping, it's trying to pick from what's in the viewport; so if you're in a big environment with lots of buildings/trees/foliage in view, it bogs down and seems to process the "key up" poorly or skip it entirely. You can mitigate that at least by changing view or putting isolate select on a marking menu.

    Grid snaps and discrete mode... no clue. I really hate that it goes and turns discrete on for the trans/rot/scale tools.

    Cool thread at AD forum there, but acting like a little kid doesn't really seem to help, does it?
  • heyeye
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    heyeye polycounter lvl 6
    I get similar issues as well when working in big scenes, or I've had Maya open for awhile.

    It happens most often when I use my bind-toggle x-ray (alt+X) and then try to snap-toggle. It doesn't always seem to get stuck, but you can visibly see the input lag when toggling back and forth.

    I always just assumed it's from too much running on the viewport, go ahead and hide a bunch of shit, and continue on with my day.
  • pixelpatron
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    pixelpatron polycounter
    I get exactly that on geometry heavy scenes, super annoying. Except where it stops working halfway through.

    When vert or edge snapping, it's trying to pick from what's in the viewport; so if you're in a big environment with lots of buildings/trees/foliage in view, it bogs down and seems to process the "key up" poorly or skip it entirely. You can mitigate that at least by changing view or putting isolate select on a marking menu.

    Grid snaps and discrete mode... no clue. I really hate that it goes and turns discrete on for the trans/rot/scale tools.

    Cool thread at AD forum there, but acting like a little kid doesn't really seem to help, does it?
    Well you'd think a software company that has such a basic usability issue that has a bug that has shipped on multiple versions of it's software would form some kind of response. Note I only resorted to my "childish" behavior as you call it after I was basically ignored for over half a year. What would you suggest i do instead? 
  • pixelpatron
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    pixelpatron polycounter
    Based on what you guys are posting; what your describing isn't the issue. THE THING IS BROKEN on MAC. It's not a heavy scene issue either. It happens all the time in my low poly scenes (sub 2000 tris). 

    The issue is attempting to use the "d" key to manually move the pivot point - which at that point I usually use "x" or "v" to either snap to the grid or to verts. What happens in the process is the snapping toggles on the UI (on the top bar) become active and now everything in my scene has snapping enabled regardless of holding down shortcut keys. I then have to manually turn it off to resume my work. It's a huge workflow killer and so cumbersome that yes....I guess I've sort of turned into a little baby about it. 

    It's similar to trying to play a videogame with a crappy off brand controller where one of the buttons constantly gets stuck. 
  • [Deleted User]
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  • throttlekitty
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    throttlekitty ngon master
    Based on what you guys are posting; what your describing isn't the issue. THE THING IS BROKEN on MAC. It's not a heavy scene issue either. It happens all the time in my low poly scenes (sub 2000 tris). 

    The issue is attempting to use the "d" key to manually move the pivot point - which at that point I usually use "x" or "v" to either snap to the grid or to verts. What happens in the process is the snapping toggles on the UI (on the top bar) become active and now everything in my scene has snapping enabled regardless of holding down shortcut keys. I then have to manually turn it off to resume my work. It's a huge workflow killer and so cumbersome that yes....I guess I've sort of turned into a little baby about it. 

    It's similar to trying to play a videogame with a crappy off brand controller where one of the buttons constantly gets stuck. 
    We totally understand getting frustrated, but presentation is as always, super important. I mean, I could have shit all over your thread for not providing enough info in the OP, and that wouldn't be very helpful. (ie get your shit together, who makes such a broken post with a vague problem statement and no usage scenario or hardware specs i can't believe someone would make such a terrible post on the internets) Remember that we can't see what you're seeing.

    If it's consistently doing this mid-operation, I'd try to hone in on that. My main experience with this is on heavy scenes, what are the specs of your computer? Something like a wireless keyboard problem wouldn't be unheard of even if you don't necessarily see the same behavior in another program. Or maybe something's stealing focus from the maya window for a split second, hard to say.
  • musashidan
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    musashidan high dynamic range
    If this were me I wouldn't be content to post on a forum and wait........I'd personally email as many well known Maya experts/evangelists/artists as I could. You'd be surprised the help you might get on an issue like this.
  • pixelpatron
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    pixelpatron polycounter
    Does anyone have any contacts at Alias then? I haven't just sat on a message board and waited I've attempted contact through facebook, as well as my chain of command here within King/Activision. Nothing. It's just so helpless I don't know what else to do. I think it stems more from my thoughts that Maya on a Mac is just not that important to support for Autodesk/Alias. 

    Could you guys help me and upvote up my issue then?
  • [Deleted User]
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  • pixelpatron
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    pixelpatron polycounter
    You guys are sharpening your pitchforks....fine. I started nice....for 3 months I was nice....then annoyed, and now almost a year in....just in disbelief. 

    I guess waiting for almost a year with ZERO response from them doesn't entitle me a little confrontation/silliness; from an issue I deal with at least 3 to 4 times daily? Okay I guess expecting software support from a company that is given millions by my employers is looney tunes. I'm crazy, entitled, confrontational....makes perfect sense. 
  • [Deleted User]
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    [Deleted User] insane polycounter
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  • pixelpatron
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    pixelpatron polycounter
    I was piggy backing someone else's post,  christinahall3d doesn't deserve some form of response/resolution? Regardless of my stupidity/childish approach. I guess I've never dealt with such poor customer service. I've contacted other software providers and gotten resolutions and at the very least a RESPONSE. Algorithmic, Quixel, Unity; all had gotten back to me on more than one occasion within the same day. I spoke with them professionally and with the mutual respect I'd expect from industry veterans from both parties, the provider and the user. And might I add....a paying customer.

     Regardless of how I look (childish as I am, sure...I only proceeded to act this way after being ignored for almost a year.) I guess we'll never agree on how to handle things when they...in my mind are the ones who are at fault here for releasing buggy software and ignoring their customers.

    Teriyaki I respect your work, and your giving me good advice here...thank you. I probably need to be talked off the ledge so to speak.
  • pixelpatron
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    pixelpatron polycounter
    OMG Who was praying for me? A response!!! an actual reply! OMG!!!  

    See persistence/annoyance pays off people!
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