I am learning some basic programming on the side of modeling/sculpting these days. I am interested in a few things concerned with vehicles and choices developers make when programming them. Ive notice that Ubisoft got really good vehicle code in The Crew, but GR Wildlands and partly Watch Dogs 2 has poor physics implemented. Is there something written about the subject or someone with the knowledge who could say something more about decisions made when coding vehicles ( or similar scenarios) both the thought process and the amount of work it takes to get good vehicle code done?
Also, why is code from lets say The Crew not used in GRW. What branches/decisions are made when deciding on all these things and why is code within a studio not re-used or customized to a new game?
On the surface there is an easy answer to this. The Crew is a car game, so the budget is leaning towards working out vehicles, while GRW is a stealth game and it might be that it was only a matter of balancing out the budget. Which I bet it was. GRW invested a lot of time in creating a good World Machine pipeline. But it would be interesting to somehow gain some insight into how different, both in time spent on code and lines of code, the two were worked out.
I understand that there's not much shared on the topic, but I thought I would see if there were something more in-depth out there
I dont think you are ever going to find out why Studios did what they did for certain games, you are going up the wrong alley if you think you are going to find out enough information to satisfy you. You much better off learning about physics in your own way and trying to do things with physics in a free game engine.
But your probably right. Since its such an abstract and wast topic, Ill probably not find what I am looking for, but sometimes people have written some interesting articles, found some talks or other sources of materials that is interesting and closes the knowledge gap some. Reading the documentation over at UE4 or writing code will not give me exactly what I am looking for, but it def. helps.