Hi everyone !
In collaboration with Geraud Soulie aka Operion, I present you my current WIP done with Zbrush : Magnus Ragnarson
The concept was done by Geraud, you can check the artstation of this amazing artist
here I start the modelisation one week ago but I need some advices so you can feel free to tell me what I need to improve !
Here the WIP
You can follow the project on my
twitch channel too
artstationThanks in advance for the replies !
If I have to nitpick I'd say the face may need some adjusting, it's true to the concept but maybe the jaw would look better protruding forward.
@AgelosAp I'm agree with you, I don"t finish the sculpt on the face or the body but I'll make this adjusting ! Thanks !
. Refine a bit the body / Helmet
. Start to work on the beard
. I'll rework all the lower armor, need to make this more "simple"
. Add the nails
. Next step : start the lower body and refine the anatomy
only crit I have atm is the fur. I think it could benefit from sharpers points a overall be fluffier, right now its looking a bit heavy just kinda hanging there.
I finished the base of the model (proportion..) and now I'll start to sculpt correctly the entire character, start to work on the differents props too and refine or rework some parts (like the fur)
I worked on the base model for the sword with 3Ds Max
Critics are welcome !
Maybe the pants folds would look better with a more angular approach, not sure if you tried that already, it seems fitting with the stylization on his chest etc.
@lotet For the moment the lower body is just modeled with 3ds max for the wood leg and zbrush for the rest with mask, zremesher and zmodeler, no sculpt
I would suggest adding weight to the skull on the belt a little bit by making the metal behind it a bit pulled down where the skull is, like on the concept! So from front view the top side of the belt would not be perfectly straight, but shaped like an U a bit, that way giving weight to the skull on it. I would also make the skull a bit larger and more exaggerated. Maybe increase the upper portion of the skull, like on the concept where the proportions of the jaw and "skull" part are roughly the same.
You could also mimic the concept's shape of the beard, where the two rings of the beard below each other have different sizes, giving weight to the beard also. The upper ring on the concept is a bit smaller compared to the lower, and this gives the beard a nice weight and proportions. Also I believe the beard could be overall much bigger on the concept it goes below the nipples and touches the abs.
As a general rule regarding these things I mentioned you could look out for straight lines on your sculpture. If you find a straight line, curve it, bend it, smudge it, rotate it! There are hardly any straight forms on the concept, which gives it and interesting look, and cartoony feeling! For another example look at the rope on the fake leg on the concept, it has various thickess to it, and also have a little bit wave like motion to it. Also round shapes can be pushed and smudged, you can and should move away from perfect cylindrical shapes!
I really like the direction you are headed, and you make nice progress overall with your works! Garrison also turned out nice! Keep up the ace work
Thanks again for your comment
@Elithenia ---> ahah
What I would suggest is to break up straight lines even before it is posed, that way it will be interesting from all camera angles, and in every pose! As you can see on the feedback I posted earlier from the front view you could add a little bit of wave, little bit of pushing up and down the rope as it "hugs" the leg, which will better represent the rough, sketchy style that the character has.