Who are we?
Interlight Studios is a technical and creative service catering to small and medium size opps. Over the last few years we have worked and produced high quality work. We are able to work in developing in either Unity or Unreal. Technical, creative, or design, Interlight can fill the need in your pipeline, or even handle the entire project development process from concept to completion.
Rates: Depends on need. Mostly flat rate 50% at start and 50% at the end of the service. Paypal.
2D: Concepting and Illustration
3D: Organic and Hardsurface Modeling
UI design: NGUI, UMG, Scaleform/Flash, Coherent, UGUI
Level Design: Advanced knowledge and experience with Unity and Unreal. Services include design, planning documentation and play testing
Tech Art: Terrain, lighting, shaders, materials, post processing, and everything else you'd need done in the editor
Audio: Full soundtrack composition, sound effects and voice over
Programming: Unity (C# or JS) as well as blueprinting and C++
Why us? Price and quality
If you have any questions or would like to talk about working together on a project, head over to www.interlightstudio.com and take a closer look at what we've done. Send me an email to Info@Interlightstudio.com I'm looking forward to sitting down and see what role we can play to help bring your project into the world.
Best to contact over Skype: koeanilo1
Email: info@interlightstudio.com
Website: InterlightStudio
Social Media: Twitter & Facebook