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Mari 3.0 How to save multiple copys of same project

polycounter lvl 6
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ISUther polycounter lvl 6

Was working with my texturing project in Mari.
System crashed and now lost all my work as cant open the last saved file.
To prevent this &%&% happen again i have a question.
How to save multiple copys.
Example: Save 1
Example: Save 2

And where does the Mari save the files? Are those saves hidden? (what path is it)


  • onionhead_o
    Offline / Send Message
    onionhead_o polycounter lvl 16
    mari saves the files where you setup your cache location.
    create mari archives would be the safest method of backup. In the project tab, select the file > archive. But If you really want to create just duplicates, you can duplicate the project. I wouldn't recommend it.
  • pior
    Online / Send Message
    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Hey @ISUther  -

    Just wanted to wish you best of luck in your research and experiments ! Mari texturing, displacement baking/rendering and all the various non-realtime techniques are not very well know around here but they are definitely very interesting topics. I am personally very eager to read more about all that once you get further ahead in your test project. Good luck !

  • ISUther
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    ISUther polycounter lvl 6
    Thank you. 
    Atm managed to do some things in mari. Here are few examples (random order): 

  • pior
    Online / Send Message
    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Definitely interesting !
  • onionhead_o
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    onionhead_o polycounter lvl 16
    thats some lovely skin details and texturing there.
  • IrukandjI
    If your project crashed, locate the UID of your project, which can be done by overing your mouse over the project and let it there until it displays the project's infos.
    Once you have the UID, go to your cache folder location and locate the UID, enter the folder. There should be 2 or 3 files named "project.mri", "project.mri.bak" and sometimes an Autosave.bak
    1st copy your folder to save it somehere safe, then 2nd you can delete the original project.mri file then 3rd rename project.mri,bak to project.mri to replace the old one to see if that fixes it (open it in mari from the project tab) Then you can try the same with autosave.bak and rename it to project.mri and try that if the above didn't work.
    Note that sometimes it is going way up in the history so you might have to redo some things and sometimes that doesn't work at all but worth a try.
    Also feel free to copy and or archive your project at any time and there shouldn't be any drawback doing so except for disk space.
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