I'm stuck at making eyebrows at the moment I was wondering what's usually done for eyebrows? Are the cards placed with fiber mesh nanomesh or are they all done with hand or something else? I know that lashes and hair is done by hand often but doing eyebrows with hand seems like hell haha. Anyways just hoping to get some thoughts before I dive into it.
In my last project, i made the eyebrows with a mixture of polygons and hair cards. Few polygon splines for giving some volumen as a fat strands and the hair cards as wispy/heavy dithered hairs. The last ones are very noticeable and probably is better to use hair cards for the fat splines or reduce their width. Mine are not realistic upclose but at some distance they´re not too bad.
Smoothed as far as i can go with the classic Sphere+Transfer atributtes-> Vertex normals On
And of course, i´ve wasted a lot polygons to give them curvature and volume, 4.4k total for the two eyebrows, lol.
You´re going to have a much better result if you make little haircards with 1-2 hairs and duplicate them making the shape mostly planar, instead of doing a lot of curvature in the cards putting edges as me.
Post if you have some updates!
Spend some painful time, I decided to place them all with hand with hair cards from 1 to around 10 hairs. I duplicated my first layer of cards and inflated it a bit to give it a fuller look.
See why i say to make a lot of hair cards? they look better than mine haha
But inflating the hair cards...meh, unless you gain a lot of volumen it´s not a common thing to do in realtime, leave them flat and duplicate if you need more volume.