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WIP - TBA Portfolio piece

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CaitMac null
Hey Guys, 

Hoping to get some more eyes on my WIP. This is the first character sculpt in the scene I'm building. still in the symmetrical sculpting stage, also does anyone know if Zbrush has a feature like Soft selection in MAx or Maya that I would use for posing my character when I get to that stage?

I would love to get some critique, especially on anatomy,

Thanks in advance


  • kaspurr
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    kaspurr polycounter lvl 7
    This is MOOtiful, I hope sheeps are next :3
  • Ashervisalis
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    Ashervisalis grand marshal polycounter
    - It looks like you sculpted the head and limbs and body all separately. Might be a bit weird when dynameshing it all together, but I'd suggest sculpting everything as the same mesh. You'll have to get rid of those crease lines where the meshes join, which should definitely be done now, instead of later. You'll want to be sculpting muscles from the body to the joints, which can't be done properly while they're separate meshes. Except your horns and eyes; those should be separate meshes (though it doesn't look like your horns are?).
    - The horns are pretty close together. Check out some reference and you'll see that cow horns are usually more to the side. Their protrusion point is aligned with the eyes. They also curl in a weird way that I've not seen before. Also, rotate them so they point forward a bit more. The top of the head where the horns come out of seems a bit high.
    - The inside of the front hooves looks weird. Your cow has a really thin ankle and then part of the hoof sticks out oddly.
    - Your cow has really big eyes. A way of making a creature feel larger is by giving it smaller eyes. Check out some reference on how big cow's eyes are.
    - The bridge of the nose could use some flattening out, make it more ... wide.

    Check out this red 'V' shape;

    Any reference you see of a cow will have this shape. It's a powerful shape that you really need to add in.

    - Cows have ribs that protrude a bit, sculpt those in!
    - Your cow's lips go pretty far back compared to most cows.

    You should be sculpting based on muscles and bone structure, which you're missing a huge amount of. To answer your question, you can definitely pose with ZBrush. You've gotta mask limbs and then use the rotate tool. Just YouTube how to pose characters with ZBrush. Can I ask what scene you're aiming to create? Keep it up, it'll be a great cow in no time!!
  • Ashervisalis
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    Ashervisalis grand marshal polycounter
    Also, check out the reference here; The hip bones raise up at a different angle than you've got and protrudes in a different way. It looks like you've just sculpted in a lump in that area.

  • CaitMac
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    CaitMac null
    Ah wow, thanks for the quick response! 

    The comment on the horns and the eyes was Eureka moment, I couldn't put my finger on it, but I knew they were way off. 

    I was sculpting in pieces just for the moment, and then I was going to dynamesh and keep the sections as polygroups, I'll do that asap! 

    A colleague was kind enough to do a draw over of the anatomy, so I'll be sure to fold your comments in with the corrections I need to do.

    Thanks so much, I'll update the new progress, so I can get another round of critique! 

    Thanks so much
  • CaitMac
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    CaitMac null
    kaspurr said:
    This is MOOtiful, I hope sheeps are next :3
    Thank youuuu, A ram would be awesome, with curling horns :D !! 
  • Ashervisalis
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    Ashervisalis grand marshal polycounter
    No problem! I'm looking forward to seeing the progress.
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