Curious how to sculpt this base mesh to look more cartoonish/stylized. some of you probably already have an idea what I'm trying to go for if you've seen my previous posts.
Base mesh:
Some screenshots of what I've sculpted so far, I'm thinking about starting over (I forgot to use morph target when I started).
Some of my concerns are on detail, I wasn't sure how to add wear and detail to the edges, just smoothing them out and adding light damage made them looks weird and it didn't fit, so I just decided to destroy the thing bit by bit and let my mind wander, I like a lot of the forms, but it feels like a bit too much to me, not sure what I should do differently.
The horizontal edges at the top are an example of the "light damage," I wasn't sure how to go about keeping the form of the base mesh while also adding damage and wear, I wanted to keep the corners sharp but I kept thinking, "no, no, that's not what it would actually look like, if it's going to be damaged and ancient then it wouldn't have the sharpness to the corners." so I'd damage them a little bit and it wasn't enough, kept adding more and still wasn't satisfied with the result.
Any tips appreciated.
I'm pretty experienced now with the planar brush lol.