Hi guys,
My portfolio is cluttered with old work and WIPs (about 80% of it) which don't really reflect my current abilities in any way. But still, I'm not sure if I have to delete them or leave them be. I personally like to keep just a few but high quality ones and let go of the rest, but the other me says it doesn't matter what I want, most of it probably looks good to the viewers and I should keep them. I need more eyes on it so I can make the right decision.
https://www.artstation.com/artist/artbyalirezaThanks in advance.
since you don't have breakdowns of the scenes, it could simply be a case of packing some themes together into a single ''project'' in artstation.
- self contain the landscapes into one project in artstation
- pick 1 or 2 of your fave grass studies and keep them seperate or pack them all into on project
- self contain the lava and mountain rocks into one project
- you could pack the Moon and Mars into one project too
- self contain your materials
and just delete atleast 1 in each project that lacks the most for you. I feel that I've just told you water is wet though
I really love:
- the desert study + game-ready vegetation.
something I would LOVE to see you do is a completely alien landscape. just because I've followed you for so long.
Do you have a personal blog or website?
Show your best peice of each sceen or at least having 10 of your best peices on the home page so that it can be looked through quickly, as recruters have littereally hundreds of portfolios to look through.
Also, make sure they are in a format which can be downloaded and saved as reference so if they don't need you just yet they have a way of coming back to find you when they do.
Marvelous work by they way.
Hope I was helpful.
Really nice portfolio. I would love to be on that level one day with my own environments. Anyway, here is my feedback.
- Some projects could use better thumbnails to represent the quality of the content.
UE4 - Moon landscape : The craters in this project have a lot of detail, I would love to see that back in the thumbnail. I know the character is there for scale reference, but I don't like it as a thumbnail.
UE4 - Sand dunes landscape : Nice sand dunes, but the thumbnails don't really reveal much and didn't caught my interest at first.
[UE4] Game-Ready Vegetation : I got really blown away with the detail of the water drops on the leaves, but it's pretty unclear in the thumbnail. I would love to see a close up of the clovers.
CryENGINE 3 - Various lightings : Pretty dark thumbnail. Didn't really caught my interest
UE4 - Medieval weapons : I didn't know this project contained more then one weapon. Would be nice if the thumbnail shown m
- Remove the UI of Unreal in your images if possible
- Some older landscapes could definitely be compiled into 1 project
- Combine the texture projects, I generally try to avoid projects with 2 images
- I would avoid 1 image projects at all times if possible
I personally didn't really like the Art, Metro and the Tiberia project. Of Course it's personal taste, but looking at your recent projects it's nowhere near the same level of quality. If I were you I would definitly clean up your portfolio with that amount of content. Anyways, loved your work!
Hopefully this feedback is helpfull!
- Reframe your thumbnails or change them completely. Some thumbnails are too zoomed in, to dark or lack in contrast.
I'm curious of what you'll make in the future.
EDIT: And I'm pretty sure you can set projects to private or not-published in Artstation. So if you have a project (WIP) that might be an option. In case, you want to finish it later.
Thanks very much for all the feedback! Really helpful.
Beard3D Bandit, Alien landscape, I have a lot on my to-do list, but at some point I'll get to that. I don't have any blog, just a thread. Thanks for the feedback.
Durkel, That's a lot of good tips, amazing! I really appreciate the time and effort you've put into giving me a preview of how it'd look like in the end. Very helpful. I'm starting to work on it now and I hope it turns out as expected.
Again, thank you all for the fantastic tips!
Thanks in advance.
Edit: Dang it! By removing my older works I've lost around 1000 likes and 30,000 views haha.
For articles, interviews etc. I've added new thumbnail images with a bar on the top with logos to make them more descriptive.
I think it's looking much more organized now.
musashidan, I have a bad habit of considering everything garbage unless it's perfect. With that said, I'm being very merciful for having kept what I've kept up there atm otherwise you'd have been seeing only the "Game-Ready Vegetation" post haha.
I've finished updating my portfolio in and out. Like you said, dumped some old images and added proper ones, reworked some thumbnails as well. Also article posts now contains a snapshot of the actual article and has a link back to where it's published on. My banner is keep changing every time I take a new screen. ^^
I'd appreciate some final thoughts on it.