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Critique for a ZBrush Newb?

polycounter lvl 4
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LuvianBlue polycounter lvl 4
Hi there!  I've been trying to learn ZBrush sculpting.  I've been going through tutorials and trying to build up my knowledge, though it's a pretty intense program and I feel like I've barely scratched the surface of it.

I've done a few sculpts, though they're a few months old at this point (got a new job and got busy).  Critique and tips would be appreciated!

A slightly stylized pony.  My biggest problem with this sculpt is the head, particularly around the eyes.  I looked at a ton of horse photos, but still couldn't seem to get it right.

A dragon.  I was trying to practice details and do more splitting up of the mesh.  I'm actually pretty happy with this one :)

A Barbarian.  This the main one I would like critique on.  As you can see, this one is still very much a work in progress.

I actually started with this one, then went and did the other sculpts (including the 2 above) to practice when I found myself struggling, I maybe "dove into the deep end" too soon, so to speak.

I was mainly just 'thinking out loud' and didn't plan things out much, which was probably to my detriment.  She's supposed to be a typical fantasy barbarian/berserker type warrior, hence the fur lined armour.  In the end I want it to mostly look like cloth, hide, fur, and leather, with just the shoulder piece possibly being metal, though I might go with hardened leather, but I haven't begun to tackle that yet at the moment.

Most of the fur has just sort of been marked out with points to remind myself "put fur here", I've only really begun attempting to sculpt it on the fur over her shoulder, but I'm not entirely sure how best to go about it.  I don't want to go for a super realistic look, I'd like it somewhat stylized/simplified in the end.  Something closer to this, or this I think.  I don't want it to be too busy.

She will have hair in the end, I just haven't begun sculpting it yet.  Her head/face still need work, it's still looking kinda off atm I think.

Um... yeah!  I hope I can learn.  Seeing the amazing work people post here is rather intimidating, but I'd love to get to that level!


  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    It's on its way to finish.

    Your deltoids are not inserting into the upper arm correctly.  There's this weird strip that extends out from the triangle of the deltoid.

    The abdominal muscles have way too much separation down the center of the stomach.  They should be touching from both sides.

    You're going to want to raise the arms up much higher, or you're going to make rigger very sad.
     What's your render target overall?

    What phenotype are you trying to nail for the barbarian?
  • LuvianBlue
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    LuvianBlue polycounter lvl 4
    Thank you for the feedback!  Working on changing up the muscles

    I raised the arms some, I'll likely raise them higher.

    My render target?  I'm... not sure?  I'm just trying to practice.

    I want her to be somewhat stocky, with defined muscle.  Like someone who's hiked forests, climbed mountains, and fought monsters her whole life.  Like she could pick up and wield a reasonably heavy weapon.
  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    Render target as in is there a game that has similar fidelity and look you're trying to hit?

    What about her face?  Is she black?  Asian?  White?  Spanish?  Alien? Becausee she definitely doesn't look white here.
  • LuvianBlue
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    LuvianBlue polycounter lvl 4
    Oh!  I see, I understand now.

    I probably should have had a render target in mind when I began, but I did not.  I will keep that in mind going forward for future projects.  If I picked one now.... I'd say something like Dragon Age Inquisition.

    I was thinking something like Nordic.  I will pull up reference and work on the face.

    I appreciate you taking the time to critique my sculpt.
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