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3ds Max Modifier - AdvArray

polycounter lvl 2
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timbot polycounter lvl 2

hello everyone, I've recently created a parametric array modifier for 3ds max. I think it may be very useful for many peoples workflows. please check it out and see if it's useful for yours

Use for all sorts of parametric placement needs. Linear or radial arrays are common, but also various oscillating arrays. You can add random variation to any array. You can even use a path to control array placement. The array can be used on various object types such and shapes or poly/mesh geometry. You can even instance it across various object types to get synchronized arrays. Use it to array complex repeating topology and weld it together later. There’s also a number of animation features you can use to get some cool motion graphics. There’s even some advanced features for controlling material ids or offsetting UV’s.

Take a look at the documentation for more information: https://1drv.ms/b/s!AF8vbEk-7BagjMo4

also check out a little video of the modifier in action!:

I've recently added some additional videos showing how to use some of the essential features, more to come.

you can access the product page here: https://apps.autodesk.com/ACD/en/Detail/Index?id=7221085778557027350&appLang=en&os=Win64

It's also now available from gumroad for those that don't want to use the autodesk store: http://gum.co/AdvArray

I hope the price is fair for the value it brings. please let me know if you have any comments or questions, i'm always open to feedback.

I've also release a free version that's just a basic array running on the same code, but also includes some of the great features from the AdvArray such as the gizmo: http://gum.co/ArrayMod

also, check out my friend Henning Lande's artwork: https://landetls.artstation.com/ . his feedback drove many of the best features in the modifier.


  • LaurentiuN
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    LaurentiuN polycounter
    Can you tell us what are the advantages of your plugin vs the free ones? For example the Itoo Software already has an array plugin that is free and parametric aswell. Regarding the price i think its to expensive, just my opinion.
  • musashidan
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    musashidan high dynamic range

    I have to agree. When I first saw this I thought it was a free or $5 mcg. It does seem a little pricey considering the alternatives.

    does look great though.

  • timbot
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    timbot polycounter lvl 2

    thank you for your input, I appreciate the feedback.

    this is far beyond itoos free array plugin. many more options. and far more performant than an mcg graph by far. I have tried both and have added many features that cannot be achieved using the free software out there. of course, if all you need is basic array needs, then  yes, use the free or mcg graphs, but I'd say this is more for complex and performance/productive tasks.

    sldK, curious, what price would you pay for something like this? others I've seen with fewer options sell for over $40, and I think the railclone is $240. i'm not familiar with railclone myself, but I've been told the graph is offsetting for some. AdvArray has some advanced capabilities with a more integrated feel.

    if you quickly look through just the images in the documentation you'd see there's a significant number of features available not shown in the video. i'm obviously not great at marketing B)

    some other features I haven't seen in other software is, especially from a productivity standpoint, is the gizmos to control the various variables. I know you can cheat in some gizmos into mcg stuff, but these ones function a bit more like built in modifiers. another cool thing is the path array and the oscillating array parameters.

  • LaurentiuN
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    LaurentiuN polycounter
    @timbot - I dont know what i would pay, i dont use array`s that often, it`s just a feeling that is to much considering the free alternatives.
    Even the integrated 3dsmax one is doing the job for me. So yeah maybe someone with better marketing experience can give you a better answer. gl man :smile:
  • timbot
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    timbot polycounter lvl 2

    thanks for the input, if i'm hearing more that people would rather pay less i'll definitely have to reconsider the cost.

    one thing I forgot to mention about AdvArray that some other free ones don't typically handle (specifically iToos free one) is the ability to array splines as splines. other array modifiers either don't work at all or they convert them to mesh objects. AdvArray is able to array splines and poly's natively, and everything else as mesh objects. I may add additional object types in the future as the need arrises. you can also mix object types with instances of the modifier for some useful results.

    here's another quick demo of the gizmos from my friend Henning. it's definitely one of the most productive features available. something you can't do with the built in array for sure B)

    I may be a bit prejudiced, but I think that's pretty cool

  • timbot
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    timbot polycounter lvl 2

    I uploaded a few videos to youtube with some feature usage, check out the playlist here:

    It's now also available on gumroad for those that don't want to use the autodesk store: http://gum.co/AdvArray

    And a free version with just the basics, including the gizmo, which can be used for many cases, but also if you're interested in trying it out: http://gum.co/ArrayMod

    by the way, these are all drm free for those that have concerns there.

  • EarthQuake
    I'm not a Max user but this looks neat. Seeing complaints about price I was expecting this to be $200 or something. But $25? Seems totally fine. For someone who would use this in production, $25 for the features it offers seems like a no brainer. But I'm not familiar with the alternatives.

    My day job involves doing product design and creating marketing material, some general advice:
    • create a simple product page that clearly explains the benefits of your tool, with examples for how the features can be used in real world production - this is your biggest problem right now, I can't go to a website and get a quick overview of why your product is useful and why that is relevant to me, if you're not making this pitch anything over $0 is too much for most people - I checked out your product page on the autodesk site but there just isn't enough to go on. Get your own domain, use wordpress or something similar to set up a visually appealing layout, embed some videos and provide supporting text 
    • Remember that marketing/promotional material and documentation are not the same thing - so for instance a detailed document or video tutorial that explains how the tool technically works isn't a marketing pitch - as far as making this pitch your sped up video does it most effectively so far
    • with your videos, don't start off with statements like "it seems like people don't get it" - this comes off as defensive, like you're annoyed that you have to explain this stuff to us idiots - always go with something like "Hey guys, I'm excited to show you how my tool works" instead
    • write a script for your videos so we're not sitting with you as you try to figure out what to say, make sure it is clear and concise - Here is this thing, this is what it does, this is how it's going to help your workflow, get it in like that - bang bang bang and you're done. The more real world cases you can show the better, using teapots and doing arbitrary operations requires the viewer to imagine what the tool would be useful for - never make the viewer go out of their way to see how your product is useful
    • get a decent mic (I would recommend a Blue Yeti), do some basic audio editing and make sure your voice work is consistent from video to video
  • timbot
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    timbot polycounter lvl 2

    @EarthQuake, thanks for the feedback! that's actually very insightful, and I appreciate that. marketing is definitely not my strong point. I will certainly be integrating that feedback into making adjustments.

    curious what software you use? perhaps someday I may be able to integrate this into more software. though, many packages already have much of this functionality already, thusly why I felt it necessary to create something for Max.

  • EarthQuake
    I use Modo, which has some tools for this but they're destructive and don't have the cool stuff like random rotations and such.
  • timbot
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    timbot polycounter lvl 2
    yeah, I was aware of some stuff in modo, didn't realize it was destructive. well, maybe someday I can try and make a modo verson B)
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