Hi! More than one year after I made a seaside cliff material, I decided to make another one. Maybe a bit simpler this one. What do you guys think of it? Any advice or critique to make it better? Thank you very much!
It doesnt really come off as rock, or a cliff to me. I think its too variant, with not enough shape or form. Its very jagged, but not a natural looking jagged. The colour isnt bad, but I think it has too much contrast in it for the shape its giving. I would also suggest removing the dirt at the top since it detracts from the overall look more than it adds.
The color looks pretty nice, but the texture almost makes the cliff look as though it was carved out of wood. Not quite what I would think of as a sea cliff, but without too much work you could probably re-purpose it as a petrified wood, or use it as a material in a fantasy scene.
Thank you Shirk and Brandross! I see what you mean. I'll try to find a better direction in order to give it the feeling of a cliff. I'll keep this thread updated.