Just a little info on this guy. He is an alien scout that is also a scavenger he will have armor and weapons but right now I'm focusing on the body.
Here is the references I'm using. I'm also gathering more on areas that I am missing.
Also using one of 3D totals anatomy books for Artists to help me along the process as well.

If you guys have any crits I would love to hear them thanks.
Would love some feedback if anyone has the time plus the armor is super early blockout, right now I'm planning to change up the cape and make it more dynamic.
Decided to focus on the head and get that to a good point. Going to focus my attention to areas So i can get this done faster.
Been a while working on this guy, and this new female character the concept of the female is by RockD. (I'm super bad at updating)
Currently doing retopo of the alien/detail pass then after that gotta do the same to the female and fix a few anatomy things on her.
Here are some test bakes on the low poly model. the alien retopology is around 95% done including the armor, just doing some test bakes now
The concept its by Paul Richards. This guy was supposed to be a paragon character I think but I'm not 100% that, so I decided to make my own version of him based on Paul's concepts here is the blockout so far let me know what you guys think.
Here's an update on the posture/ proportions
Understanding how some of the hard surface shapes are supposed to look like. Slowly refining the upper body, going to be working on the arms and legs soon to get a bit more refined shapes.